Wednesday, July 8, 2015

"Jacato Drive Gets a New Name, COP House Rededication"

From Racine County Eye:

By Heather Asiyanbi in Community · July 8, 2015 

"Citizens are invited to the official unveiling of new street signs that mark what many hope will be a turn toward the better; Jacato Drive will officially be renamed Anthony Lane Thursday during a special ceremony.

"Scheduled from 2 to 4 p.m., residents will first participate in re-dedicating the street and then have the opportunity to tour the new conference room at the newly named Ernest and Bernice Styberg COP House, 2437 Jacato Drive.

"Changing the name of Jacato Drive to Anthony Lane – for the original developer of the area – still needs to be approved by the Common Council, but the measure was expected to pass Tuesday."

Read more:

They should rename it Beth David Drive for all the work she's done to help the area.


  1. My dad and a number of relatives worked at Stybergs. I'm glad they are trying to clean up Jacato Drive.

  2. It is a interesting idea to see if a name can make a significant change, or if everyone will just translate that to, "the old Jacato Drive" in their heads. Yes, Beth was a catalyst for change there. She deserves a lot of credit.
