Thursday, July 9, 2015

Open Blog - Thursday

Sounds like a good idea to me.


  1. gee, wish I knew that before I put clothes on :P

  2. Sleep, where are you my old friend? Awake since 3:18.....what is this about? Grrrrr.

    More running about today .....

  3. Like my Irregular friends, sleeping has been tough. Oh well. I got enough to function, I think.

    Have a good one Irregulars.

  4. The continuum has shifted. I'm sleeping like a baby. If I knew about this naked thing, I would have laid off the ice cream and have been doing some sit-ups. I NEED more warning!

  5. Well Irregulars, we have a dilemma at our house. We have a bird feeder up which is wonderful. All kinds of birds.

    We also have a lot of tomato plants. Three different kinds I believe. The birds are eating the tomatoes. We went to pick some this morning and most of them have been (for lack of a better word) pecked.

    Getting rid of the feeder isn't really an option.

    Any suggestions?

  6. OKIE, When In season, go to the Farmer's Market, and buy some wonderful tomatoEs. Just think of the enjoyment you receive for all of those bird sounds everyday. Pretty cheap entertainment.

  7. Okie, you might be able to put some stakes in the ground and drape sheer netting over the plants? Toad's idea is easier...

  8. Okie- there are a lot of birds that will eat anything if to many birds are in the feeder.

  9. OKIE, I think netting of some kind? I need to look into it as well. The ungrateful little buggers aren't happy enough with all the seed I give them , they want my raspberries too! poop heads.....

  10. Thanks guys. Truthfully I'd be more upset if I ate them, but hubby loves them. We'll figure out something.

    On another note, I love the Subaru commercials with the dogs. The one where they are driving and they all start barking because a mail truck is coming from the other direction. Cracks me up.

  11. Good afternoon. My mom grew tomatoes for decades. Before I planted my first tomato at the old place, I spoke with her. I asked about pests and she said a squirrel might try one, but in general there's no problem. I asked her about birds. She said only during a drought they might go after the juices in the tomatoes.

    I like THB's answer best. Or call the local garden center and ask them what you can do.

  12. I here, and it's still Thursday....woooohoooo
