Tuesday, March 24, 2020

More than 101,400 new unemployment claims in 9 days as the coronavirus pandemic closes businesses

From JSOnline:

, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

More than 101,400 new unemployment claims have been filed in Wisconsin in just the past nine days. This is what it's like to watch Wisconsin's economy shut down. 
Just Monday, around 21,250 new unemployment claims were filed, according to preliminary data released by the state's Department of Workforce Development. That same day, 12 companies filed mass layoff notices with the department signaling that more than 900 employees would be cut. 
That number is expected to increase as a "safer at home" order goes into effect from Gov. Tony Evers.
Last week, bars, restaurants, malls and other businesses were all ordered to close in a social distancing effort to slow the spread of coronavirus. Starting Tuesday, that list of shuttered businesses will grow.  
Evers' order will require many people to either work remotely or lose their jobs as workplaces that aren't deemed essential close. More details on what is included in essential businesses will be released Tuesday. 
Among the layoff notices sent to the state Monday:
  • Restaurant and catering company Black Shoe Hospitality in Milwaukee laying off 155 workers
  • Hyatt Regency Milwaukee hotel laying off 112 employees
  • Artists group Clearwing Production Inc. laying off 25 
  • Mickeys Linen and Tower Supply Inc. laying off 48 employees
  • Commercial screen pinter Visual Impressions Inc. letting go 41 employees
  • Wisconsin Central School Bus laying off 90 drivers in Milwaukee and another 48 in New Richmond. 
Many of the notices said the layoffs were expected to be temporary until businesses could resume normal operations. 
Around 5,200 new unemployment claims were filed in Wisconsin during the week ending March 14, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. That was up 150 claims from the week before. 

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