Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Safer at Home order issued, in effect until April 24

From The Journal Times.com:

Gov. Tony Evers declares a public health emergency in response to a growing number of cases of COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus in Wisconsin. The announcement was made March 12 at the Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs in the State Emergency Operations Center in Madison. Evers has requested federal small-business disaster loans in hopes of keeping businesses afloat during the statewide shutdown caused by the spreading COVID-19 coronavirus.

Wisconsin's Safer at Home order will go into effect Wednesday at 8 a.m.
It is to remain in effect until at least 8 a.m. Friday, April 24.
Safer at Home order
“I know the COVID-19 outbreak has been difficult and has disrupted the lives of people across our state. Issuing a Safer at Home order isn’t something I thought we’d have to do and it’s not something I take lightly, but here’s the bottom line: folks need to start taking this seriously,” Gov. Tony Evers said in a statement. “Each and every one of us has to do our part to help slow the spread of COVID-19 so we can flatten the curve to ensure our doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers have the opportunity to do their important work. Let’s all do our part and work together.”
All nonessential travel, with few exceptions, has been banned. All nonessential businesses have been ordered to close, with employees still able to work from home when possible.
The order said that "Individuals do not need special permission to leave their homes, but they must comply with this order as to when it is permissible to leave home."
Wisconsin residents are still allowed to leave their home to perform "tasks essential to maintain health and safety," which includes getting food or other supplies, picking up medicine or seeing a doctor. They can also leave home to care for family members "or other vulnerable persons" in other homes.

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