Sunday, August 1, 2021

Wisconsin GOP election investigation expands


A Republican investigation into the November 2020 election in Wisconsin is expanding.

"To restore full integrity and trust in elections, we have decided to change direction, giving more authority and independence to Justice Gableman. I am declaring him special counsel and am giving him the authority to hire more full-time investigators who will work at his direction," Speaker Robin Vos said Friday in a news release.

"UPFRONT" host Adrienne Pedersen talked exclusively with Gableman on Friday.

"Speaker Vos also told us on this show that the investigation is not meant to overturn the election results. Is that how you see it?" Pedersen asked.

"Absolutely. My mission is just as what I've said, my mission is to try to do whatever I can so that going forward, people can have confidence that their vote counts. And part of my frustration, part of the reason I may appear to be frustrated today is because I have spent the last 28 days getting, just as in your business, all sorts of unsolicited advice and demands for immediate action," Gableman said.

"Who are you getting pressure from for immediate action?" Pedersen asked.

"Everyone," he said.

"I mean, are these politicians? Are these constituents or who are these people?" Pedersen asked.

"Yes," Gableman said.

"All of the above," "Pedersen said,

Vos said he hopes to have it completed this fall, around the same time as an independent review by the nonpartisan Legislative Audit Bureau.

The interview with Gableman airs at 9 a.m. Sunday on 'UPFRONT."


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