Thursday, December 31, 2009

More Mail

Sorry, I'm a bit late on this one. We received the following email on December 21 from the people who gave the JTI (or, as they seem to prefer, a person named JT who calls his blogs Irregulars) a free case of iChill three months ago:

Hey JT,

Happy Holidays from the folks over at bigMETHOD and iChill! We would love to send you some iChill to help you guys escape from those holiday stresses. Be sure to let me know if you are interested!

iChill is also going to be featured on Good Morning America in a trends of ’09 -’10 segment airing on New Year’s Day! Be sure to check it out and have a fabulous holiday!



Jena Brown

5519 S. Centinela Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90066

Both Lizardmom and kkdither tried the iChill and posted their reviews:

We still have nine bottles of the beverage to give out at the next gathering, and no one at JTI Central is particularily interested in more. So we thought we'd ask if anyone else had ideas. Should we just accept another twelve and pass out twice as much at the next get-together? Is anyone out there interested in the entire case? Any thoughts? Advice?

Happy New Year!


  1. I'm experimenting with the relaxation ingredients of Korbel and 50/50. I'll keep you posted.... ;>

  2. The relaxing effects of that combination are already well known, kk. kk, kk? Have you fallen asleep?

  3. Still here waiting for the gunshots, I mean firecrackers to go off. 10-9-8-7...

  4. How do you think that would taste with ... say.. Tequila Rose?
