Saturday, November 26, 2011

"3 face prison time in special toilet paper scam"

From the Associated Press:

"WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Talk about a dirty scam.

"Federal prosecutors in Florida say at least three people working for a septic tank company duped customers into buying about $1 million in unnecessary products — in some cases enough toilet paper to last more than 70 years.

"More than a dozen customers were told they needed special toilet paper to avoid ruining their septic tanks because the federal government changed regulations on toilet paper. The federal government does not regulate septic tank products.

"The trio pleaded guilty in federal court to conspiring to commit wire fraud."

The scammers said "the federal government changed regulations on toilet paper." Don't give the feds any ideas. I can already see a TP Tax. Should those who use more toilet paper than others be taxed at the same rate as the others? What about those who use less? And then there's the whole toilet paper economy...


  1. Orbs, that consumption tax would be sexist, unfair and thrown out. Women need to use way more TP than men.

    Don't mess with my Charmin!!! Ladies, I have signs... it is time to protest! ;>

  2. KK LOL men use less cause they don't 'wipe' everything. Sometimes a shake does it! LOL

  3. Written on the wall above a urinal: "No matter how much you wiggle or how much you dance, the last few drops always fall in you pants."

  4. Ummm...KK, can you spare a square? Orbs, I saw above the urinal..."it takes two hands to handle a whopper" lol

  5. And if you're shaking it more than three times, you're playing with it!

  6. Here I sit, broken hearted, paid 10 cent and only....

    If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie, wipe the seatie...

    For a good time, call....

    And jed, NO, I don't have a square to spare, there just isn't enough. I *loved* when Elaine grabbed all the rolls and fled.

  7. How is that kk knows all the stuff scrawled on mens room walls?
