Saturday, March 10, 2012


Could you really tell ???

Well this should help!!!

This is what a dictator looks like...

With the world the way it is today,
Would you know a Dictator if you saw one?

Mercury Fades as Jupiter and Venus Draw Closer

It is getting harder to see Mercury. My friend in Florida said he couldn't see it tonight. However, Tucson has less humidity and more transparent skies. Still, you can tell Mercury is fading fast. Look for it in this pic at the bottom right by the tree, just above the rooftop.

Jupiter and Venus are close enough together I can zoom in and get a pic of the Galilean Moons. Only three were visible tonight. Europa is the missing Moon.

See how much longer you can spot Mercury after sunset. Even when it is lost to the twilight, you will still have the converging Venus and Jupiter to admire.

Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.

Friday, March 9, 2012

"Does the Kilties Brew Fest now have competition?"


"It appears that another national beer fest is sneaking into Racine. Based on their website. Top of the Hops Beer Festival plans on holding a beer fest on May 12 and in no place other than Festival Hall. It appears that the Kilties Brew Fest has national competition coming to Racine. Noted on their website is glassware, which was frowned upon and not allowed at Festival Hall. More on this as it develops.
In case you are wondering what this event is here is the website.

What's going on? I don't know. They don't tell me.

here's what she said

here's what she said
as I drank through the nights
here's what she said
as I cursed the daylight
here's what she said
"you aren't mature enough"
here's what she said
"you are not pure enough"
here's what she said
"I am too much for you"
here's what she said
"there's not enough of you"
here's what she said
as I drunkenly cried
here's what she said
"good-bye, good-bye, good-bye"

--OrbsCorbs, March 9, 2012

(I have not composed in longhand, on paper, since I don't know when. I trained myself to write on the typewriter, then the blessed word processor. This poem came to me after I drew the comic in the above blog.)

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Charlie catches some rays this afternoon, unafraid of solar flares.

"Blasts at Earth from the sun"

"Biggest solar storm in years races toward Earth, could disrupt power grid, GPS and more"

So it has begun.  Bye, bye in 2012.  I already have my aluminum foil beanie on to protect me from the rays.  Charlie won't wear his.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What the Hell?

Just took this screenshot. What the hell? And it's windy and dusty here today (that's what the little triangly exclamation mark is for).


A rare treat... an albino hummingbird. Something that is seldom seen and almost NEVER photographed.

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my March madness mavens. How are you? It’s tank top and shorts weather here. March 7th, in Wisconsin, in the 70’s. Ho-hum, just another day for us. The daffodils are beginning to show in the backyard. The frost is out of the ground. Grass is greening up everywhere. Soon, we’ll be complaining about the mosquitoes . . .

I wouldn’t get too comfortable with the weather yet. I have a lingering sense that a whopper winter storm or two are still due us this season. It’s weather dread, and it colors all that I do. I’m still waiting for the other snowshoe to drop.

The news, as usual of late, is all bad. I’m not even going to try to find something positive there. I think one has to take whatever satisfaction one can out of the little successes in life. If I keep my perspective to that of family and friends, I can endure. Once I start looking elsewhere, I get lost in the miasma of current events and poisonous politics. A few shots of the right hooch don’t hurt, either. Oh my.

With the warming weather come twin dangers to motorists: bicycles and motorcycles. It’s early, but I’ve seen a few. Keep your eyes and ears open while driving. Also keep them open for the increased law enforcement actions that Mr. SER mentioned in another blog: “Drunken driving, seat belt crackdown in effect through March 21:”
Nothing associated with the word “crack” is good.  Don't drink and drive. 

Don’t forget, my dears, that Daylight Saving Time begins this Sunday, March 11, at 2:00 AM. Turn your clocks ahead one hour when you go to bed on Saturday. (“Spring forward, fall back.”) We lose an hour of sleep, but gain so much light in the evenings. Even DST seems earlier this year.

Thank you so much for reading my blog this week. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And no, thank you. I so enjoy the regulars and Irregularites who stop by to visit. I want to hug each and every one of you, but that will have to wait for the next JTI gathering. Spring sounds good to me.

When will the bluebird of happiness drop a load of good fortune on you? Find out:

“They” say it will get colder again for a couple or days, but then the weekend will be warming up. Hmm, snowboard or skateboard? Wisconsin keeps it interesting. (Maybe I’ll parasail to clients.) Watch where you’re going. It’s muddy out there. A splash can ruin your day. I love you, my dears. Buccinator!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What Is Beautiful To Me

That is the picture for March 2012 on my kitchen wall calendar. I don't select calendars for their images, but, rather, for their readability. However, so far this month, whenever I look at the calendar, my eyes are drawn to that picture.

That is a Japanese garden. The small rake marks in the sand (barely visible here) represent waves in water. You are to step only on the stones. That particular view of that particular garden is gorgeous to me. I am a sucker for shade and lacy foliage in the landscape.

The photo was taken by Krystyna Szulecka and is owned by Minden Pictures. I couldn't find a decent copy of it online, so I scanned my calender's picture. The quote is nice, too, but the picture is what gets me.  I hope you enjoy it, too.

My New Blog

Ok, so I have a new blog. After a year of laboring over DrewTube, posting daily from A-Z. I'm finding myself finishing off Cheap Trick. Having about 4,000 albums plus at least a dozen coming in every couple weeks, I'm thinking this getting to be way to long to finish. (After figuring out the math at least ten years). I needed another format, something quicker and more to the point, therefore I have come up with Drew's Collection of Songs to Dance to. I'm kinda hyped about this blog. Not only it will feature my albums and bootlegs, it will also feature songs that are on them (carefully written out by my speedy fingered girlfriend- gotta love her), album rankings and the format that I have them on.

At first glance, one would notice it's a little "backwards", meaning I'm starting from the end and working my way to the beginning. There is a reason for the madness. Images, as many people know are not exactly blogger friendly. It can be a pain in the ass to constantly drag down an image to get where it needs to be placed. To eliminate this issue, I figured why not start from the bottom and work my way to the top. I know it sounds Polish, but it is a effective answer to a tedious problem.

If you noticed the URL says something about day by day survival, ignore it. It's an old and depressing blog that I'd written from my personal needs. I have gotten past that stage of depression and I really don't need to be reminded of the shit anymore, so I hit the delete button. Anyways salvaging whats left of it, I created a new title and started my new blog. Saves me the hassle of creating a new account for a new blog.

Anyways it will still take me awhile to finish this. By posting about 25-30 albums a crack will save me years of time and make it a hell a lot easier to make more entries as new records keep coming in. Check it out! I hope you enjoy it. It has been much labor, love and passion that went into my music, feel free to leave any comments, questions or dialogues if you want. Thanks!

Monday, March 5, 2012



And these people walk around in public.

Seven Planets in One Night

Counting Earth, that is. The ongoing gathering of planets in the west and two rising in the east make it a great time to be a planetary observer. And the International Space Station joined the party to boot.

The streak is the ISS. Mercury is just above the tree, Venus and Jupiter are higher in the sky.

Mercury happens to be right next to Uranus. Had to wait a while for it to get dark and it was a tougher shot as the sky never really got totally dark, but I got Uranus as well.

Mars rises right after sunset. Saturn rises later in the evening. Here is a pic of Mars rising over the mountains.

Finally, to complete the night, you have to stay up until a little after 10pm local time when Saturn rises.

That really bright guy at the bottom left is a plane (you can see a short streak). Almost directly to the right of the plane is Saturn (the bright star to the upper right of Saturn is Spica). This is a wide field view so you can see Mars toward the top of the picture and notice how much higher it is now than several hours earlier when it barely cleared the mountain.

You can try this tomorrow night as well. Mercury and Uranus won't be quite as close together, but will still be in the same binocular field of view. Mercury reaches its greatest distance from the Sun tomorrow and will start getting lower in the sky each evening. So the sooner you can give this a try, the greater your odds of success.

Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Racine, Wisconsin Empty Bowls

Title: Racine, Wisconsin Empty Bowls
Location: Racine, Wisconsin

Date: Monday, March 5, 2012
Time: Lunch 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Dinner 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Location: Racine Masonic Center, 1012 Main Street, Racine, WI 53403 (USA)
(Please enter Empty Bowls event 1015 Wisconsin Ave. entrance)

Useless Information

Did you know:

More steel is used in the manufacture of bottle caps each year then used in the manufacturing of cars in the United States.