Saturday, May 25, 2013

Memorial Day

Thank you to all past, present, and future military in all branches. 
Thank you to the families of all military, and the sacrifices you've
had to make while they have served. 
Thank you doesn't seem anywhere near enough to say. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone! Welcome back to another amazing episode of Four for Fridays! Slept in a little bit, enjoying my four day weekend. Anyways, some questions for you....

1) What are your Memorial Day weekend plans?

2) What is your favorite meal off the grill?

3) What is the most funniest movie you have ever seen?

4) When was the last time you had to speak in front of an audience?

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

There I am!

Here, where the little blue flag sits, 
will one day be my final resting place. 
Just to the right, just out of the shot, 
is the flag where my sister and fiance will be, 
right next to me and my hubby. 
I loved the view, a nice place to visit. 

My niece, as well as a girl from work, 
think this is terribly morbid. 
How is pre-planning, being prepared
and having it all set and paid for
so the girls won't have to worry what to do
with us someday ,  morbid? 
I found it quite a relief to finally have a plan, so
our kids don't have to go thru figuring anything out. 
Kids these days... .like I'm going to live forever...
I have to die if I'm ever to haunt them! :)
(ok, now that may be slightly morbid)

Dear Madame Zoltar

Madame Zoltar has not been feeling herself lately, so she took the day off.  Watch for her column to return next week, same time, same channel.

I apologize for being so late in posting this.  Time Warner Cable is my internet service provider - enough said.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Monday, May 20, 2013

Sunday, May 19, 2013

man charged with photographing under woman’s skirt

Bump. legal stranger requested a repost of this blog.
Originally published on October 10, 2013 at 11:26 AM:

Rochester man charged with photographing under woman’s skirt at Pick ’n Save
RACINE — A Rochester man, facing a felony charge for allegedly taking a cellphone photo underneath a woman’s skirt while she was grocery shopping, has been granted another week to hire a lawyer.
Matthew J. Stegall, 26, of the 700 block of Fox Knoll Drive, is charged with a single count of capturing an image of nudity without consent after he reportedly was spotted by a store employee as he took pictures underneath the woman’s dress as she shopped Aug. 19 at the Waterford Pick ’n Save
It’s called voyeurism; I do not believe it is illegal to take pictures or videos of someone as long as they are outside in public; everyone is fair game.  In private it is a different story.  If you were dancing nude inside your home and I could see you from outside and filmed you…that’s illegal because you are supposedly in the safety of your own home and can do what you wish.

New website for Racine.

Racine Transparency is linking to a new website in Racine: Racine Community Media.  I know absolutely nothing about the site, so please don't associate me with some vague notion of "political conspiracy."  If you must associate me with something, then let it be the Church  of the SubGenius.  Meantime, I'm looking forward to interesting reading coming from Racine Community Media.   The blog is now listed under our local blogs section in the sidebar.