Saturday, June 2, 2012

Useless Information

Did you know:

The majority of pizzas sold in the Untied States (34%) are pepperoni.

The Cure - "Lovesong"

This song just popped into my head.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone! Welcome back to Four for Fridays after a short, but yet long and unique week. Had a wonderful three day followed by a week of overtime, and now it's Friday... Where did the time go? Anyways here are some questions for you...

1) What is your favorite restaurant?

2) Where do you prefer to swim in-lake, ocean or pool?

3) When was the last time you went to an outdoor theater?

4) Do you put on a t-shirt arms first or head first?

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Burglar Bars

Back in August of 2011, I took these pictures when the city was complaining about bars on windows.  This first picture was taken on Washington Ave. in the Uptown area.

Today in the JT the owner of the property is facing numerous finds.  Looking at the picture and the one posted by the JT the only difference is the guy took down the brick wall.

What burns me, we as homeowners have a weeds in the alley and our ass is dragged through the coals; check what this guy has going for himself....why isn't he in jail?

RACINE — After protracted enforcement, an Uptown businessman awaits sentencing on 16 municipal violations and scores of state violations, on top of a recent criminal misdemeanor conviction.

Nevrus Aliu, owner-operator of Tony’s Auto Sales & Service, 1323 Washington Ave., faces up to $759,515 in fines for city ordinance violations and $10,647 in fines in a Wisconsin Department of Transportation action.

See the complete article at:

Have you seen the article in the JT where the Mayor is going to veto a small business, a candy shop, from having “Burglar Bars” on their windows?

Mayor to veto Burglar Bars on Candy Shop

Copied from the JT, - "We have had a standing belief on the city plan commission that bars are a horrible example of what the city should be," Dickert said.

Here we have a lady just trying to protect her new business.

Have you ever been to the gas station on Ohio & Washington Ave? They have a 2” thick cage the attendants are behind; you pass your money under the partition in a little chute. Go there at 2 in the morning and there are two uniformed police officers there. They are trying to protect their employees and customers, what’s wrong with the candy store trying to protect their business.

Dino’s Pizza on 16th street, in their carryout area they pass your pizza out to you in a metal tray. They have had this tray for 25 plus years!

Just for grins I took a ride around the downtown area, The Peach of Racine and took a few pictures to share with you.

I was amazed driving through Racine the amount of fencing in this city, it’s everywhere and I’m talking about fencing with barbed wire on top of it!

This picture is from the Uptown area right on Wachington Ave/Hwy 20.

Twin Disc in the uptown area.

The JT downtown. They are protecting their trash. BUT there are also power transformers inside the fence which is required by law to protect from idiots. Play with them and you'll go up in!

Here we are gaurding a dirt pile on the lake front...

Another business protecting their property.

A very nice frece around our Water Dept. Don't want people steeling water. but we do need to keep the wrong people away from it!

Ooops...wrong blog

Another business protecting boats...

This one is good, keeping people out of a yard of trash..

Twin Disc, Case Company, Modine, Insinkerator and the list goes on. All these businesses have barbed wire around their property.

So what is worse Mr. Mayor, barbed wire or burglar bars making the city look bad?

Open Blog - Thursday

Now there's something you don't see every day.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dallas - are you a fan

You can select up to 2 answers.

Spring In Wisconsin Wildflowers 2!

Yes I have found the names of some more wildflowers to share with all of you. The pictures of the wildflowers are all from Colonial Park in Racine Wisconsin. I could not believe how many wildflowers we found out in one park.

This is a Bulbous Buttercup. This is really pretty and if you look there is a bulb for one more to bloom.

This is a Jack-In-The-Pulp-It. The come in purple or white flowers. Since I have taken this picture I see them all over now.

This is a Lily of the Valley. I really like this flower because it is very different and very pretty.

This is a Little Sweet Betsy Toadshape Trillium. This is really different and very hard to find the name of this flower.

This is a Robin's Plantain. Yes is some ways it does look like a daisy and also pretty.

This is a Sharp Lobed Hepatica. This flower was really hiding and I almost missed it in between bushes.

This is a Small Red Morning Glory Redstar Starflower. Yes a long name for this one. It is also a vine that is growing on a bush. This was at the beginning of the park and I seen it as we came into to the park. I had to have this picture.

This is Wild Rhubarb. I could not believe I seen this in the park and so much of it. I do have a picture of just a leaf and I think some of the leaves are about two feet long.

I know there are a lot of pictures but I just wanted  to share them all with you. I hope you enjoy the pictures just as much as I am enjoying going and taking them. You are more than welcome to leave any comments!♥

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my beautiful begonias!  How are you?  We’ve had some high heat the past couple of days, but it was much drier than the humid blasts we usually get around here.  It’s true what they say: it’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.  I had to water my garden a couple of times. 

Yes, my vegetable garden is in, no thanks to Junior.  I have a few of everything.  I just don’t have the space that I’d like.  There must be some farmer blood in me because I enjoy digging in the soil and tending to plants.  Weeding isn’t really all that bad once you’ve worked the soil.  I keep an eye out every day.  I get the weeds when they’re small and pull easily.  And then there are less and less.  Turning, working, spading,  and/or tilling the soil exposes seeds that were buried.  Often that’s enough to sprout new weeds.  “Nip it in the bud!” as Barney Fife would exclaim.  Get them young, get them for good.  My veggies don’t need any competition for resources.  Life is tough enough. 

At this time of year, there is so much going on in Racine and the surrounding area that it is impossible to report it all.  We should regularly check The Journal Event Calendar: That is very gracious of the Journal Times, but do not consider it the end all and be all of events in Racine.  There are a number of sites dedicated to Racine entertainment, and there are hosts of events that never make it to the paper, except maybe as paid ads.  Church festivals come to mind.  In any case, keep your eyes and ears open, take a look at local ads and advertisers, check out some of Racine’s websites, and you will not lack for things to do in the summer. 

I hope that you all had a wonderful Memorial Day.  Mr. Zanza and I took Junior out to a cemetery, where we said some prayers and paid our respects to the men and women who served our country.  We then returned home and grilled out in the yard, what’s left of it.  (Most of it has become vegetable garden.  Oh my.)  Junior very much wanted to picnic somewhere else, but there was no place that wasn’t already crowded.  The yard was just fine, and Junior could constantly run inside the house for the vast array of electronic devices which are indispensable to his life. I cannot imagine that young man “roughing it” in the woods.  Take away his electronic toys, and he melts into a puddle of tears.  I love him, so I spoil him, especially because he has no real father in his life.

Wisconsin’s world famous recall election will be held next Tuesday, June 5, 2012.  That is one day before my next blog.  Of course, I know who the winners are, but I cannot reveal them now for fear of being charged with tampering or otherwise trying to affect an election.  No matter who wins, we still have to live with each other afterwards.  Can we do it?  Will we?  I am much less certain about that than I am the election.  Some things are set in stone, others are more amenable.  What I can say for sure is that the assault of political mailings, and radio and TV ads and robocalls, will stop after next Tuesday.  Praise be!

Praise be, also, for my dear readers.  Thank you so much for reading my blog this week.  I look forward to spending this special time with each of you each week.  I’m so happy that you could make it.

Psst, hey, mister, wanna know the elections results early?  What’s it worth to you?

I’m still on a happy roll because of the weather.  I realize that everything is skewed in nature because of the temperate winter and spring.  I’m praying that we don’t get an intemperate summer because of it.  Look both ways before crossing life’s streets.  I love you all.  Gaberlunzie!         

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

60th High School Reunion

60th High

  School Reunion

He was a

  widower and she a widow.

  They had known each other for a number of years being high school classmates  and having attended class  reunions in the past without fail.

  This 60th anniversary of their class, the widower and the widow made a  foursome with two other singles.

  They had a wonderful evening, their spirits high.
  The widower throwing admiring glances across the table. The widow smiling  coyly back at him.

  Finally, he picked up courage to ask her, "Will you marry me?"

  After about six seconds of careful consideration, she answered,  "Yes,..... yes I will!"

  The evening ended on a happy note for the widower. But the next morning he  was troubled.

  Did she say “Yes” or did she say “No?”

  He couldn't remember. Try as he would, he just could not recall. He went over  the conversation of the previous
  evening, but his mind was blank.

  He remembered asking the question but for the life of him he could not recall her  response. With fear and trepidation
  he picked up the phone and called her.

  First, he explained that he couldn't remember as well as he used to. Then he reviewed the past evening.

  As he gained a little more courage he then inquired of her. "When I asked  if you would marry me,  did you say “Yes” or did you say “No?”

  "Why you silly man, I said ‘Yes. Yes I will.’ And I meant it with all my heart."

  The widower was delighted. He felt his heart skip a beat.

  Then she continued. "And I am so glad you called because I couldn't  remember who asked me!”

Monday, May 28, 2012

Living With Timeline...

I know many of you are on facebook and that many people are not fans of timeline. However, the good news is that you can learn to live with timeline.

Useless Information


Did you know:

Sales of personal safes are up 40%.

It has been brought to my attention the sales are up 40% BUT it doesn't give a time frame.  It could be since 1910 they're up.  Actually sale are up over the past year 40%

This information was from the John Tesh Radio Show

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Mock Mirage Sunset

Some unusually cool May weather has descended on Tucson. Highs didn't even hit 90 today. With that cool weather came some unusual atmospheric conditions leading to an interesting sunset.
Most of the action took place well before the Sun even hit the horizon. I could tell something unusual was happening from this pic.
Note the unusual activity at the bottom of the Sun. I have seen that before and that is usually what the Sun looks like when the lower limb encounters are inversion layer in our atmosphere. Usually, it gets cooler as you gain elevation. Sometimes, however, there is a cooler layer below warm air. This phenomena is called an inversion layer. I was able to watch the Sun descend through this inversion layer and when the top of the Sun got there, I was ready with my camera to hit the pics. In other words, what follows is no accident and strictly intentional.
Note the little piece of the Sun that broke off at the top. It has a greener color than the Sun. This a mock (or superior) mirage green flash caused by the Sun passing through the inversion layer. I got my first pictures of a mock mirage green flash on a cruise. It is unusual to get them in Tucson. When you get one mock mirage flash, you frequently get another.
In addition to the ones I posted here, I got at least two more mock mirage flashes but they were much weaker and you really had to blow up the pics to see them.
Finally, I will leave you with the traditional last pic of sunset with a mixture of yellow and green through the mountain peaks.
Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.

"Green Side of the Grass"

As the joke goes, if I'd known that I was going to live this long, I would've taken better care of myself.

Happy Memorial Day!

I can't believe it is Memorial Day weekend already. I would like to thank all the men and women of the Armed Forces of the United States. This is the U.S. Army, U.S. Marines, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Coast Guard. They have all put their own lives on the line to make sure we are all safe everyday. I would also like to thank the families of the people in the Armed Forces for believing in them to do what they are doing for our country.

I also want to thank the men and women that have lost their lives serving for our country. Here in Arlington National Cemetery there are 400,000 graves of men and women that have lost their lives protecting our country. There are some headstones with no names on them it is the unknown soldiers. Hundreds of soldiers walk through 70 sections of the cemetery to place an American flag by each headstone on Memorial Day weekend. To the families that have lost their loved ones I am deeply sorry for you loss.

Yesterday Drew and I took a drive down to Illinois to put flowers and the flag by my dad's grave. I have not been down there in a very long time. It was so nice to go and do this for my dad. My dad served in the Army during the Korean up rise. My dad is buried next to his mom, dad and sister. In September my dad will have passed away sixteen years ago. I still miss him to this day and I will always miss him.

Drew's dad was also in the Army he was in the Vietnam war. The first time I went to go and meet his mom and dad the first thing I noticed was the Army flag flying on the flag pole when I pulled in the driveway. I thought that was great. It is the American flag on top and then the Army flag below it.

Happy Memorial Day to everyone and please be safe this weekend and enjoy it with your families!♥