Friday, September 27, 2019

Four for Fridays

Tender Heart Bear is MIA this morning on Four for Fridays.  Perhaps she just forgot.  In any case, here are your questions:

1)  What was your favorite childhood game?

2)  Would you want to be president of the USA?

3)  Do you believe in climate change?

4)  Will Foxconn "save" Racine?

That's it, folks.  I hope that you all have a great weekend. 


OrbsCorbs said...

1) What was your favorite childhood game?
Throwing stuff at cars on Main St. and then running like hell if they stopped.

2) Would you want to be president of the USA?
No, too much responsibility.

3) Do you believe in climate change?

4) Will Foxconn "save" Racine?
Har dee har har!

Thank you, Sheriff, for this week's questions.

Anonymous said...

1. Can't remember
2. NO
3. Of course our climate changes by the hour
4. NO

Tender Heart Bear said...

I am so sorry everyone I have been really busy all week. Thank you so much Sheriff for doing Four for Fridays for me.

racinecountycorruption said...

1. monopoly

2. HELL NO everybody hates the president

3. Absolutely, the climate has been changing since the world was first conceived

4. Save it from what?, itself?

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