Saturday, April 14, 2018
Friday, April 13, 2018
Four for Fridays!
Good morning everyone I hope your week has gone good for you. Well mine was going good until I got a call from my older sister asking me to go back up north to help my mom out for another week. So I am leaving this morning to go up there. This will be the last week my mom will be needing someone there to help her out.
Here are your questions.
1) Do you have one family member that you do not want to talk to?
2) Do you have a family member that you know is really lazy?
3) When you see this family member do you have to bite your tongue?
4) Would you yell and tell this family member how you really feel?
I hope you have a good weekend and that you try to stay dry.
Here are your questions.
1) Do you have one family member that you do not want to talk to?
2) Do you have a family member that you know is really lazy?
3) When you see this family member do you have to bite your tongue?
4) Would you yell and tell this family member how you really feel?
I hope you have a good weekend and that you try to stay dry.
Dear County Board of Supervisors and Foxconn CEO Terry Gou,
is a narrowly defined legal term, and prima facie evidence shows that
the Village of Mount Pleasant CDA cannot "Blight" many properties which
they seek to confiscate by unlawful means.MT. PLEASANT, WI April 12, 2018 – Local community group, “A Better Mt. Pleasant,” is calling on members of the Mount Pleasant Community Development Authority (CDA) to resign from their appointed positions if they vote to designate areas within the Foxconn development zone as blighted. The vote is expected to happen on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at 6:30 pm at the Village Hall.
Residents have already received notice of eminent domain proceedings and Village officials announced on March 20, 2018 at a CDA public hearing that they intend to invoke “blighting” condemnation against property owners in the land acquisition process for Foxconn.
“Most of these homeowners haven’t even entered into negotiations with the Village before they decided to play the ‘blight’ card,” said Kelly Gallaher, a representative for the group. “The CDA has been given detailed information on why these properties do not meet the legal definition of ‘blighted.’ They have ignored the law and their own neighbors, and appear poised to do it anyway.”
Wisconsin State Statute 32.03(6) says that condemnation through blighting can only be used if the property is not occupied by the owner of the property, his or her spouse, or an individual related to the owner by blood, marriage, or adoption within the 4th degree of kinship OR the crime rate in, on, or adjacent to the property is at least 3 times the crime rate in the remainder of the municipality in which the property is located.
None of the homes in the Foxconn zone under threat of condemnation meet these legal criteria.
Gallaher says, “There is little doubt that actions to blight these properties will lead to a lawsuit which will not just cause problems for the FoxConn development, but could set a very dangerous precedent. If Mount Pleasant is allowed to blight perfectly good family homes and give them to a privately owned corporation, they can do it to anyone, anywhere.”
The Mount Pleasant Village Code of Ethics ordinances state that any public official who knowingly acts in excess of their legal authority and official capacity has committed misconduct in office.
Any member of the Mount Pleasant Community Development Authority who casts a vote to impose condemnation through blight against property owners in the Foxconn zone does so knowing they are violating state law and is therefore called upon to immediately resign from service on the Village CDA.
A petition calling for the resignations can be found online through
“It took only seven votes to appoint these men to the CDA. We are prepared to offer hundreds to demand they step down,” said Gallaher.
The Mount Pleasant Village Community Development Authority is comprised of the following members: Rob Richardson – Chair, Matt Cramer, Frank Risler, Jack Thorsen, Jerry Franke, David DeGroot – Village President, Gary Feest – Trustee, Sam Schultz – Staff
Please join Cindy and I is JUST SAYING NO to allowing Governor Scott Walker, Representatives Robin Vos, Cory Mason & MTP President David DeGroot to violate the Wisconsin Constitution (and their Oath of Office) by granting special rights to Corporate interests, stealing people’s property, destroying multi-generational Farms alongside an entire long established Community, loosening environmental protections, permitting heavy metals water pollution, instituting slave labor wages, providing taxpayer subsidies to multi-billionaire Corporations, and politician overreach.
Thursday, April 12, 2018
MT. PLEASANT, WI April 12, 2018 - Local community group, “A Better Mt. Pleasant,”
is calling on members of the Mount
Pleasant Community Development Authority (CDA) to resign from their appointed
positions if they vote to designate areas within the Foxconn development zone
as blighted. The vote is expected to happen on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at 6:30
pm at the Village Hall.
Residents have
already received notice of eminent domain proceedings and Village officials
announced on March 20, 2018 at a CDA public hearing that they intend to invoke “blighting”
condemnation against property owners in the land acquisition process for
“Most of these homeowners
haven’t even entered into negotiations with the Village before they decided to
play the ‘blight’ card,” said Kelly Gallaher, a representative for the group. “The
CDA has been given detailed information on why these properties do not meet the
legal definition of ‘blighted.’ They have ignored the law and their own
neighbors, and appear poised to do it anyway.”
Wisconsin State Statute
32.03(6) says that condemnation through blighting can only be used if the
property is not occupied by the owner of the property, his or her spouse, or an
individual related to the owner by blood, marriage, or adoption within the 4th
degree of kinship OR the crime rate in, on, or adjacent to the property is at
least 3 times the crime rate in the remainder of the municipality in which the
property is located.
Gallaher says, “There is
little doubt that actions to blight these properties will lead to a lawsuit
which will not just cause problems for the FoxConn development, but could set a
very dangerous precedent. If Mount Pleasant is allowed to blight perfectly good
family homes and give them to a privately owned corporation, they can do it to
anyone, anywhere.”
The Mount Pleasant Village
Code of Ethics ordinances state that any public official who knowingly acts in
excess of their legal authority and official capacity has committed misconduct
in office.
Any member of the
Mount Pleasant Community Development Authority who casts a vote to impose
condemnation through blight against property owners in the Foxconn zone does so
knowing they are violating state law and is therefore called upon to
immediately resign from service on the Village CDA.
“It took only seven votes to
appoint these men to the CDA. We are prepared to offer hundreds to demand they
step down,” said Gallaher.
"John Dickert’s Porters Lie Continues to Cost Racine Taxpayers Tens of Thousands as Micah Waters TID 17 Fails and Receives a Taxpayer Bailout!"
Over 1.2 million in taxpayer dollars was advanced to Micah Waters and Porters for the re-development of the Porters building in downtown Racine. The public was informed the bank financing was in place and that Racine residents would be employed on the project. Racine advanced the money, and has absolutely NOTHING to show for it. The project is non-existent.
Ed note: The Porters Project did create a taxpayer funded hole in Downtown Racine.
The City of Racine Independently Audited Financial Report for year ending 2016 reports that TID 17 is already failing and that Taxpayers must bail it out for a cost of $26,408. Worse yet is TID 18 – aka Machinery Row, 2016 shortfall was $7,151,988, then TID 16, aka Uptown I , whose 2016 shortfall was $278,442, while TID 19, aka Uptown II, had a 2016 shortfall of $52,074.
While the RDA is broke and operating on advances from the City in the amount of $2,736,585!
WHOOPS! Well, at least Micah Waters got to remove his property from the taxpayer rolls and keep it – while his share of taxes was shifted to those not fortunate to be the Beneficiary of a TID or Non-Profit.
It’s just the City of Racine way….
Over 1.2 million in taxpayer dollars was advanced to Micah Waters and Porters for the re-development of the Porters building in downtown Racine. The public was informed the bank financing was in place and that Racine residents would be employed on the project. Racine advanced the money, and has absolutely NOTHING to show for it. The project is non-existent.
Ed note: The Porters Project did create a taxpayer funded hole in Downtown Racine.
The City of Racine Independently Audited Financial Report for year ending 2016 reports that TID 17 is already failing and that Taxpayers must bail it out for a cost of $26,408. Worse yet is TID 18 – aka Machinery Row, 2016 shortfall was $7,151,988, then TID 16, aka Uptown I , whose 2016 shortfall was $278,442, while TID 19, aka Uptown II, had a 2016 shortfall of $52,074.
While the RDA is broke and operating on advances from the City in the amount of $2,736,585!
WHOOPS! Well, at least Micah Waters got to remove his property from the taxpayer rolls and keep it – while his share of taxes was shifted to those not fortunate to be the Beneficiary of a TID or Non-Profit.
It’s just the City of Racine way….
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Short Short Story
Their eyes locked across the room.
Later, in bed, he asked her what she most wanted.
"To be left alone," came the reply.
Later, in bed, he asked her what she most wanted.
"To be left alone," came the reply.
"News of the Weird: April 12, 2018"
Around 4:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 22, High Point, N.C., 911
dispatchers received a surprising call from someone telling them he had
broken into a business. “Yes, hello, this is Jesus Christ, and I just
broke into the Pizza Hut. Jesus is here, he’s back to Earth. I just
broke in and had a pizza. I’m Jesus, and because I’m Jesus, I can do
whatever I want.” Or so claimed 46-year-old Richard Lee Quintero of
Greensboro, according to WFMY TV, who also informed dispatchers,
“Everybody’s been treating me mean.” High Point police officers arrested
Quintero the Christ and charged him with breaking and entering and
Millennial Matrimony
It’s been a twisty, U-turny road for Brittany Ann Koerselman, 19, and her first—and soon-to-be second—husband, Jeremie Rook, 24, of Little Rock, Iowa. The two originally married in 2014, when Koerselman, then 15, was pregnant with Rook’s child. But they divorced when she was 18. “He just wasn’t ready to be all of that,” Koerselman told Metro News. “The parent, the husband, the responsible person. He just wasn’t ready for that.” She said she and Rook have gotten back together and split up seven times since their divorce, but they can’t stand being apart, so they’re planning a “fucking princess wedding” for this summer. “The last time I got married, I got swollen on the way to Missouri… it’s a six-hour drive, so my shoes didn’t fit,” the once-and-future bride recalled. “We’re reusing the old engagement ring. He’s different this time,” she told (herself).
Least Competent Criminals
In Toronto, a group of animal rights advocates started protesting outside a restaurant called Antler in early December. By March, the protests had grown, and Antler’s co-owner, Michael Hunter, had had enough of the “Murderer!” signs and “You’ve got blood on your hands!” chanting. So, on Friday, March 23, he told the Toronto Globe and Mail, he decided to protest the protesters. “This is who we are and what we do,” Hunter claimed. He explained that he went in the back of his restaurant, grabbed a deer leg, a cutting board and a large knife and took them all to the large plate glass front window, where he proceeded to butcher the meat while the protesters looked on in horror. As a result, Hunter and the protesters are now trying to open a dialogue, and reservation requests at Antler have actually increased.
Millennial Matrimony
It’s been a twisty, U-turny road for Brittany Ann Koerselman, 19, and her first—and soon-to-be second—husband, Jeremie Rook, 24, of Little Rock, Iowa. The two originally married in 2014, when Koerselman, then 15, was pregnant with Rook’s child. But they divorced when she was 18. “He just wasn’t ready to be all of that,” Koerselman told Metro News. “The parent, the husband, the responsible person. He just wasn’t ready for that.” She said she and Rook have gotten back together and split up seven times since their divorce, but they can’t stand being apart, so they’re planning a “fucking princess wedding” for this summer. “The last time I got married, I got swollen on the way to Missouri… it’s a six-hour drive, so my shoes didn’t fit,” the once-and-future bride recalled. “We’re reusing the old engagement ring. He’s different this time,” she told (herself).
Least Competent Criminals
- When an intoxicated man arrived at the Delaware State Police Troop 1 station in Wilmington on Tuesday, March 20, looking for a ride home, officers thought he looked familiar. Turns out he was Christopher McDowell, 34, a suspect in a Thursday, Feb. 22, shoplifting incident at a local Kohl’s store, according to the News Journal. McDowell was charged with shoplifting, arraigned and released on $1,000 bail, after which he made a phone call to a friend for a ride—his shoplifting accomplice, April Wright, 48, who was arrested and charged upon arrival to pick up McDowell.
- Shannon Dean Egeland, 43, of Kuna, Ore., was found guilty Wednesday, Feb. 28, in an elaborate scheme to delay a prison sentence and collect insurance. The Idaho Statesman reported that shortly before Egeland was to begin a 10-year jail term for his role in a $20 million housing scandal, he acquired a disability insurance policy and then talked his 17-year-old son into shooting him in the legs with a 20-gauge shotgun. The injury from the blast would not only delay his prison term, but Egeland would also be able to collect on the new insurance policy. After his son shot him, Egeland called police and said he’d been assaulted, but police became suspicious when they found Egeland’s wallet and BMW were still at the scene. U.S. District Judge Anna J. Brown tacked three years and 10 months of additional time onto Egeland’s original sentence. Egeland also lost his left leg due to the damage caused by the shotgun.
In Toronto, a group of animal rights advocates started protesting outside a restaurant called Antler in early December. By March, the protests had grown, and Antler’s co-owner, Michael Hunter, had had enough of the “Murderer!” signs and “You’ve got blood on your hands!” chanting. So, on Friday, March 23, he told the Toronto Globe and Mail, he decided to protest the protesters. “This is who we are and what we do,” Hunter claimed. He explained that he went in the back of his restaurant, grabbed a deer leg, a cutting board and a large knife and took them all to the large plate glass front window, where he proceeded to butcher the meat while the protesters looked on in horror. As a result, Hunter and the protesters are now trying to open a dialogue, and reservation requests at Antler have actually increased.
Outerborough from Bill Morrison on Vimeo.
"In 1899 a cameraman for American Mutoscope & Biograph mounted his camera to the front of a trolley traveling over the Brooklyn Bridge. Three 90-foot rolls were edited to together to complete the journey from Manhattan to Brooklyn, entitled “Across the Brooklyn Bridge”. As the film was shot on the short-lived 68mm gauge, it had not been viewed by modern audiences until the British Film Institute restored the original to 35mm in 2004.
"As a commission by the Museum of Modern Art for the re-opening of the Museum in 2005, Morrison took this remarkable footage and recombined it with itself to form the split-screen extrapolation, “Outerborough”.
"Violinist and composer Todd Reynolds created the soundtrack in response to Morrison’s edit."
Read more:
"In 1899 a cameraman for American Mutoscope & Biograph mounted his camera to the front of a trolley traveling over the Brooklyn Bridge. Three 90-foot rolls were edited to together to complete the journey from Manhattan to Brooklyn, entitled “Across the Brooklyn Bridge”. As the film was shot on the short-lived 68mm gauge, it had not been viewed by modern audiences until the British Film Institute restored the original to 35mm in 2004.
"As a commission by the Museum of Modern Art for the re-opening of the Museum in 2005, Morrison took this remarkable footage and recombined it with itself to form the split-screen extrapolation, “Outerborough”.
"Violinist and composer Todd Reynolds created the soundtrack in response to Morrison’s edit."
Read more:
"Escape the echo chamber"
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Photo by Jim Young/Reuters |
"Something has gone wrong with the flow of information. It’s not just that different people are drawing subtly different conclusions from the same evidence. It seems like different intellectual communities no longer share basic foundational beliefs. Maybe nobody cares about the truth anymore, as some have started to worry. Maybe political allegiance has replaced basic reasoning skills. Maybe we’ve all become trapped in echo chambers of our own making – wrapping ourselves in an intellectually impenetrable layer of likeminded friends and web pages and social media feeds."
"John Dickert’s Porters Lie Continues to Cost Racine Taxpayers Tens of Thousands as Micah Waters TID 17 Fails and Receives a Taxpayer Bailout!"
Dear City of Racine Alderpersons,
The City of Racine Independently Audited Financial Report for year ending 2016 reports that TID 17 is already failing and that Taxpayers must bail it out for a cost of $26,408. Worse yet is TID 18 – aka Machinery Row, 2016 shortfall was $7,151,988, then TID 16, aka Uptown I , whose 2016 shortfall was $278,442, while TID 19, aka Uptown II, had a 2016 shortfall of $52,074.
Shame - Shame - Shame.
Tim & Cindy
The City of Racine Independently Audited Financial Report for year ending 2016 reports that TID 17 is already failing and that Taxpayers must bail it out for a cost of $26,408. Worse yet is TID 18 – aka Machinery Row, 2016 shortfall was $7,151,988, then TID 16, aka Uptown I , whose 2016 shortfall was $278,442, while TID 19, aka Uptown II, had a 2016 shortfall of $52,074.
Shame - Shame - Shame.
Tim & Cindy
Dear Madame Zoltar
Hello, my friends and lovers! How are you? Things have been going on as usual in the Zoltar/Zanza household. My boys are so good to me, they clean and maintain the yard (when it isn't snowing). Lately we've seen more sun. I love it. Our friend, Mr. Sol, is just starting up for spring and summer. By August everyone will be wailing about the sun and the heat. Then September is dropped on them like a bomb, ka-boom, and we're already looking for warmer days. Our weather is fickle. Like a sweet and sour pickle.
I find that ignoring the news leads to a calmer inner self. You can ignore it for six months and then just pick it up again. It's always the same old stuff. Mr. Trump has certainly added his style and flair to the Presidency. Who cares? The politicians put on a show for us to keep us from finding out the facts. It's just a show.
I think I'm becoming immune to the local political scams, too. Mr. Lying John was such a blatantly corrupt politician, always making noise. The quiet of the local machine running well is also welcome. Nobody cares as long as they get paid.
Oh my. I'm headed into Negative Land again. Just ignore, ignore.
I'm also headed into hypoglycemia. I was very sick for a day and haven't eaten.
(Eek! I fell asleep for 5 hours.) I got a bowl of cereal in me. Then, zzzzzzzz. The "sickness" I fought for a day was a huge turd stuck halfway out. I tried and tried for hours. I thought for sure my hemorrhoids would start bleeding, or something would pop because I was placing so much pressure upon myself. Finally it started to move. It seemed to last forever and when it dropped into the toilet, I heard a tink. The whole process reminded me of giving birth to Junior. Not to say that Junior is a piece of shit. He's not. He's great.
I'm still half-asleep and hungry. What a way to live.
Thanks for reading this "stuff." I love all of my readers, even the ones who criticize me.
I'm sorry for cutting this short, but it's been a strange experience. Irregulars should expect irregularity. Nothing is certain but my love for you.
Please donate:
If you don't like PayPal, send me a note at and I'll send you my street address so you can send a check or money order. Thank you.
I find that ignoring the news leads to a calmer inner self. You can ignore it for six months and then just pick it up again. It's always the same old stuff. Mr. Trump has certainly added his style and flair to the Presidency. Who cares? The politicians put on a show for us to keep us from finding out the facts. It's just a show.
I think I'm becoming immune to the local political scams, too. Mr. Lying John was such a blatantly corrupt politician, always making noise. The quiet of the local machine running well is also welcome. Nobody cares as long as they get paid.
Oh my. I'm headed into Negative Land again. Just ignore, ignore.
I'm also headed into hypoglycemia. I was very sick for a day and haven't eaten.
(Eek! I fell asleep for 5 hours.) I got a bowl of cereal in me. Then, zzzzzzzz. The "sickness" I fought for a day was a huge turd stuck halfway out. I tried and tried for hours. I thought for sure my hemorrhoids would start bleeding, or something would pop because I was placing so much pressure upon myself. Finally it started to move. It seemed to last forever and when it dropped into the toilet, I heard a tink. The whole process reminded me of giving birth to Junior. Not to say that Junior is a piece of shit. He's not. He's great.
I'm still half-asleep and hungry. What a way to live.
Thanks for reading this "stuff." I love all of my readers, even the ones who criticize me.
I'm sorry for cutting this short, but it's been a strange experience. Irregulars should expect irregularity. Nothing is certain but my love for you.
Please donate:
If you don't like PayPal, send me a note at and I'll send you my street address so you can send a check or money order. Thank you.
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
"Sin Declare News"
Art Kumbalek
I’m Art Kumbalek and man oh manischewitz what a world,
ain’a? And the answer is yes, I am prepared to assume the office of the
presidency of the United States whenever the vacancy arises, and from
what I hear from the real news lately, oh boy, that could be any day
now, I kid you not.
I’m not sure how my ascension to the top spot would be accomplished
legally with the Constitution and what-not, but with Trumpel-thinskin
soon to get the heave-ho on his way to the hoosegow, I’m a logical
choice to be appointed simply based on the fact that I’ve run for the
office more than anyone else in the whole goddamn country—every four
years since 1986—and that’s got to count for something, what the fock.And there would be some continuity through the transition to help heal the country in that the former president has orange hair while I, the new president, wear an orange hat. And rest assured, I’ll have no need for hot-shot lawyers, or low-shot lawyers—can’t afford any kind of lawyer for crying out loud.
But you’d like to see my tax returns? Hey, so would the IRS. Get in line. You betcha, me and taxes don’t go so well together, which is probably why I always get so damn depressed this time of year. But when you talk taxes “coming up” for a guy like me, you’re talking dry heaves, baby. That’s because, personally, I believe strongly in a balanced budget and to achieve that, I’ve got to cut personal spending and although it’s a tough choice to make, the first item on my “to cut” list is payment of “income tax due.” We all got to make sacrifices, ain’a?
Now, I assume there may be a congressional committee or two that would prefer to run a background check on me before they hand me the key to the Oval Office, so I’ve prepared an official statement because the last thing we need is a president who does not maintain the highest of ethical standards. So here she be:
Dear members of Congress, let me tell you’s that from a’ high atop this post I perch upon as senior-in-service essay writer for the media giant known as the Shepherd Express, I do categorically deny all crybaby claims to the effect that I’ve grabbed gratuitous gifts and dough from under a table—free kind of stuff that was meant to put the influence on me so that I’d use my powerful position as opinion-maker to somehow make people jerk around like a bunch of puppets just because some rich knobshine greased my string, what the fock.
No sir, I am neither puppeteer nor focking puppet who can be cheaply manipulated by just any Tom, Dick or Dickless come down the pike with some kind of private interest they’d like me to ballyhoo.
And I also acknowledge in a state of conscious if not conscience that nothing of the sort has been offered; so naturally I can say most ethically that I have accepted not a focking thing above and beyond the buck two-eighty I get week to week just for showing up around here.
And that may be a damn shame ’cause I can always use a couple, three extra bucks, and since no one has approached me, I could decide that it was up to me to do the approaching. I do admit to having contacted certain seats in power of foreign countries directly from a phone here in the Shepherd office ’cause I’ll be damned if I want any kind of overseas charge on my own bill.
What I do is call up and say I’m planning to devote one of my coming-up essays completely to international stuff and if you’d like some mention in an American press about your country, send me a couple hundred and maybe we can play ball.
You’d be surprised by how many foreign languages from other countries have no translation for the simple term “play ball”; thus they are doomed to a future of youthful suicide bombers instead of perpetual peace that might be achieved by flipping me a couple of bucks for a nice word or two. Fock ’em.
I will also admit that on occasion I have dialed up any old phone number I find on the internet’s white pages and offer to whomever gets on the horn a deal where I ask them for their name and if they send me twenty bucks, I’ll slip that name into my essay but that I’d be entitled to 7% of all potential future earnings such a mention may garner.
Know what? After I explain this incredible offer of a lifetime, you’d be surprised how many people I contact are named “Fock you.”
So I am clean, gentlemen and ladies, at least cleaner than the last focking guy. I look forward to serving you as your president, ’cause I’m Art Kumbalek and I told you so.
"1998.March 1st.Walk Don't Run with General George Babbitt"
"Do you remember the Ventures and Babbitt the drummer who played "Walk Don't Run"?Do any of you remember the USAF Four Star General George Babbitt from Tacoma, WA? Anyone who thought the military is all spit and polish and discipline?Pretty interesting. General Babbitt was a drummer at one time for the Ventures.This is cool. Watch it. You will love it if you like rock n' roll.Some of you probably don't remember the Ventures. Those that do, enjoy the clip. It should bring a smile to your face."
I love the Ventures. I copied their concerts in Japan off of You Tube, then put them together as a CD to list3n to in the truck. When I ask what happened to all the instrumentalists, I'm thinking of the ventures. Thank you to Mary from the "other site" for this. I don't know if she meant to email it to me, but I got it and now you do and TimT too.
Monday, April 9, 2018
"WiGWAG Presents: News with a twist! Teachers arm themselves with rocks, a naked Trump sculpture gets auctioned off and more!"
From Wisconsin
Rock, paper, scissors
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INDECLINE's art installation "The Emperor Has No Balls"
Photos: Brian Ray/Hoodline |
Ryan’s falling political ‘stock’
Rumors circulating on Capitol Hill that Paul Ryan planned to resign as speaker set off heavy trading at, a real-money political prediction market. Investors could buy a “no” share March 28 for 48 cents.
Bumpy campaign trail
Wisconsin first lady Tonette Walker says she’s supporting Leah Vukmir,
aka Nurse Ratched, for U.S. Senate, because Vukmir’s opponent for the
GOP nomination refused to shake her son Alex’s hand. Alex Walker is
working for Vukmir’s campaign. Kevin Nicholson’s campaign says the incident never happened.
Not priceless
Auction in Jersey City, New Jersey, will sell to the highest bidder the
“Naked Trump” sculpture displayed in the weeks before the 2016
presidential election. The statue is the only one in “The Emperor Has No
Balls” series that was not vandalized or destroyed. The auction house
estimates the piece created by the anarchist collective INDECLINE will go for $20,000–$30,000.
Don’t call at all
This month’s Beijing International Film Festival film yanked the award-winning film Call Me by Your Name
from its program due to the same-sex relationship at the story’s
center. Few China observers were surprised. Last year, the government
forced the cancellation of an LGBT conference in the western city of
Chengdu and shut down the lesbian dating app Rela.
Rock, paper, scissors
in classrooms in the rural Blue Mountain School District in
Pennsylvania were given 5-gallon buckets holding river stones to use as a
last resort against an armed intruder. The buckets are being stored in
classroom supply closets as part of a district program called ALICE,
which stands for alert, lockdown, inform, counter and evacuate. We’re
waiting for Donald Trump to tweet that he’d bravely throw the first
Gone but not forgotten
The 2,232-page omnibus spending bill that Congress sent to Donald Trump included a provision to ban federal funding for the Association for Community Organizations for Reform Now,
known as ACORN. Republicans accused the group of running a voter-fraud
operation that led to Barack Obama’s victory in 2008. No evidence of
fraud was found, however, and ACORN ceased to exist in 2009. But
Republicans want the non-existent group to know it still can’t get
federal funding.
Missing women
Chicago announced its lineup, and Grammy-winner Bruno Mars is this
year’s big headliner. Missing from the headline roster is a single
female performer. Unfortunately, that’s the norm in the music industry.
Men comprised 90 percent of all Grammy nominees between 2013 and 2018,
according to a University of Southern California study.
Lotto yelling going on
New Hampshire Lottery Commission announced it would replace its “Luck
Yeah!” tag with “Win-Time!” because of complaints that “Luck Yeah”
intentionally rhymed with a profane phrase. The lottery’s executive
director still defends “Luck Yeah.” He told the New Hampshire
Union-Leader, “I would suggest to you that the four-letter word ‘luck’
is an inherent part of our business. So I apologize if it is
insensitive, but certainly it’s effective.”
New body insecurity
— it’s not just for women anymore. Sales of men’s underwear with
various sorts of padded butt enhancements are flourishing. The
best-known brand is Rounderbum,
which has two enhancing polyurethane foam pieces woven into the fabric.
Inventor Jonathan Diersing says, “We just want your clothes to fit as
well on you as they do on a mannequin.”
Make it hurt
Trump has a new nickname in Washington: “Spanky.” The moniker refers to
porn star Stormy Daniel’s assertion that Trump asked her to spank him
with a rolled-up magazine with his face on the cover during their
alleged sexual encounter.
Smoking up social media
in North Carolina arrested a 20-year-old woman for child abuse,
marijuana possession and contributing to the delinquency of a minor
after a video of her 1-year-old child smoking marijuana went viral on
social media. More than a million people watched the video showing an
off-screen adult holding a joint to the child’s lips. The kid appears to
coo and inhale before blowing a puff of smoke.
More popular than…
González, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student leading her
generation into a revolution against gun violence, is more popular than
the NRA. She created @Emma4Change
on Twitter four days after the mass shooting at her school. By March
24, she had more than a million followers. The NRA, which joined Twitter
nine years ago, has 636,000 followers.
Sunday, April 8, 2018
"Corrupt Racine County Prosecutors & Courts"
Dear Board of County Supervisors,
White Privilege continues to rear it's ugly head in the County of Racine as Racine DA Trish Hanson and County Courts collaborate to white-wash the crimes of former Tichigan Fire Chief Todd Bluhm.
Crime PAYS In Racine County, if you are White and politically connected! White – washing is REAL!
Had Todd Bluhm been Black, not politically connected, and living in the City of Racine, he would have been a Felon for life, incarcerated for years, and unable to find work. Todd Bluhm is further living proof that crime pays for those who can exercise their political White privilege, and that the corrupt Courts and Prosecutors in Racine County will keep it that way.
Trish already assisted former Scott Walker
appointed Racine County DA Rich Chiapete and his wife Jennifer in hiding
their crimes – so why not yet another public official? It is a Pattern
and Practice in Racine County – seen again and again. How much more
obvious does it have to be before real and meaningful change occurs in
the rogue and criminal State of WI? The working People are forced to pay
and pay, while malfeasant, capricious, and criminal public officials
continue to LOOT them while the Prison Industry of WI continue to grow!
Tim & Cindy
"Crime PAYS In Racine County, if you are White and politically connected!"
Had Todd Bluhm been Black, not politically connected, and living in
the City of Racine, he would have been a Felon for life, incarcerated
for years, and unable to find work. Todd Bluhm is further living proof
that crime pays for those who can exercise their political White
privilege, and that the corrupt Courts and Prosecutors in Racine County
will keep it that way.
Trish already assisted former Scott Walker
appointed Racine County DA Rich Chiapete and his wife Jennifer in hiding
their crimes – so why not yet another public official? It is a Pattern
and Practice in Racine County – seen again and again. How much more
obvious does it have to be before real and meaningful change occurs in
the rogue and criminal State of WI? The working People are forced to pay
and pay, while malfeasant, capricious, and criminal public officials
continue to LOOT them while the Prison Industry of WI continue to grow!
"An Honest Politician"
Dear City of Racine Alderpersons,
Sometimes, an HONEST Politician is found...
Strive to be HONEST in all your dealings.
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