Sunday, July 6, 2008

You're invited to join fellow bloggers for a picnic at the BEACH!!!

You are invited to join other bloggers at a blogger picnic at North Beach's Oasis.
The date - Saturday, July 19th, 11am
Contact person - ME!! @
Please bring a dish to share, for ideas or to claim one as your own, just drop me a line and you're in!! Hope to hear from you soon!!


kkdither said...

We are so much fun, come on everyone. Don't be shy. Join us!

Anonymous said...

Didn't I read on the Journal Times website that the North Beach Oasis is nothing but a haven for thugs and gangs and crime? Surely you can't be serious?!?!?!

You're putting me on right? You folks don't venture to that area of town do you?

Bar L. said...

I wish I could have been there! Thanks for the Supertramp comment over at Layla's :)

Lizardmom said...

Drew just let me know that there is a minor glitch for that day, actually weekend in general, but I think we'll be just fine.

There will be a triathalon that weekend and the parking lot will be closed. We will need to park up on the side streets and walk down. We were assured that we would have our area reserved, so I'm sure we'll be just fine.

anonymous - would you happen to be one of the thugs? don't they come out at night like cockroaches? we'll be there during the day, but thanks for your concern and vote of insanity on our part.

hale-bopp said...

Wish I could make it. I will let you know when I am in Racine and hanging out...a fall trip could be in the cards, but details are not finalized.

Watch the triathalon, some good athletes will be in town!

Anonymous said...

I'll be there. I make a great laxative dish...He, He, He....

drewzepmeister said...

Sorry folks,about the triathalon. I knew it was on the 20th,but the City of Racine extended it for the whole weekend. Just found out about it:(

Anon-I've been down to the beach many times.Never had any issues with gangs and such. A new management took over about 4 years ago and cleaned the place up.

barbara-Never saw Supertramp in concert,but I do have concert bootlegs. Thanks for the comment though:)

Lizardmom said...

Hale-Bopp, please promise to let me know when you'll be in town so we can plan something while you're here. :)


The lake it OUT, I had no idea how big of a thing it is or will be. We have a new location that will work no matter what the weather. I will email the ones I got RSVP's from, anyone else interested, please ...

email me DIRECT at...

and I will fill you in. It will be in town, just not at the beach.

cyndi said...

Hey! I'll bring CUPCAKES, just let me know what sounds good.
I've perfected a more stable dark chocolate ganache frosting, maybe our raspberries will pop a few out and I can make dark chocolate raspberry cupcakes with whipped dark chocolate frosting... or something similar. What were those I brought to the last blogging event? I can't remember.

kkdither said...

I originally said I'd bring brownies. Cyndi, I will gladly give you the dessert option if you want. Let me know. I can make a spicy bean salsa instead.

The cupcakes you made for the last outing were tiara-misu and were fabulous!!! You made some "grown up" hostess cupcakes for my birthday that knocked my socks off too.

Anonymous said...

What's the matter Lizard? You don't want any of my laxative specials? Now the location is secret? I love being in control of all of your lives!! BBBWWWWHHHAAAAA!!!!!!! LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kkdither said...

Oh TJ (insert giggling here) you said yourself that your penis is small, now your head is way too big in comparison. The location was moved due to the triathlon, not due to you. hahahahahaha

Lizardmom said...

TJ, don't be so self absorbed my dear, I do think I may know just who you are, you sure behave like they would.

I posted this blog, I can put any restrictions I want to on anything I plan, as can anyone else when they plan something, sounds like YOU need a good dose of laxatives, it would really help!!

And if I really didn't want to play nice, with one click you could vanish, but I find you quite pitifully funny and thought the laugh would do some people good!