Saturday, February 9, 2019
"CPD fears revenge killings after assassination of Black Disciples gang leader"

"Big Law" Loggins, 46, was shot in the head Wednesday night as he stood
near a Nissan Rogue in the 7100 block of South Union Avenue, police
said. He was found face-down on the driver’s seat of the SUV. | Fox 32
Will the potential for violence spill over into Racine? CPD fears revenge killings after assassination of Black Disciples gang leader Police at scene where Black Disciples leader Lawrence "Big Law" Loggins was killed Lawrence "Big Law" Loggins, 46, was shot in the head Wednesday night as he stood near a Nissan Rogue in the 7100 block of South Union Avenue, police said. He was found face-down on the driver’s seat of the SUV. | Fox 32 Chicago He doesn’t have a household name like Larry Hoover, Jeff Fort or other infamous leaders of Chicago gangs. Lawrence “Big Law” Loggins kept a low profile — no mentions in the newspaper and no arrests since he was released from prison in 2009. But he was the head of the Black Disciples, one of Chicago’s most notorious gangs, police say. And he was trying to consolidate power before he was assassinated Wednesday night, according to law-enforcement sources. Now the Chicago Police Department is bracing for a potential bloodbath on the South Side in retaliation for Loggins’ murder, officials said Friday. Anthony Guglielmi, chief spokesman for the department, said investigators will try to prevent those revenge killings. Message boards on the Internet were buzzing Friday about the possible motive for the killing. Rapper Lil Durk tweeted out “RIP Big Law.” Loggins, 46, was shot in the head at 9:08 p.m. Wednesday as he stood near a Nissan Rogue in the 7100 block of South Union Avenue, police said. He was found face-down on the driver’s seat of the SUV. A man wounded in the shooting told police the assailants ran through an empty lot and fled in a gray Infiniti sedan.
Rush - In The End
Well, I can see, what you mean It just takes me longer And I can feel, what you feel It just makes you stronger…
Dear Village Board and City of Racine Alderpersons
Dear Village Board and City of Racine Alderpersons, UWM Economics Professor Menzie Chinn notes: "Scott Walker Is a Rube" From NYT, “Foxconn Is Reconsidering Plan for Wisconsin Factory“: Link: Foxconn, the giant Taiwan-based company that announced plans for a $10 billion display-making factory in Wisconsin, now says it is rethinking the project’s focus because of “new realities” in the global marketplace. Clearly, neither the explicit subsidies and tax expenditures, nor the relaxations of environmental regulations, were sufficiently large to ensure the Foxconn investment. Discussion in my 2017 post. See a broader recap of such incentives in a guest contribution by Professor Ann Markusen. A CROWE economic analysis contingent on implementation as planned, here. It is possible that Foxconn will reverse its recent decision, and move back to planning for a massive production facility. However, with global growth slowing and US labor costs relatively high, I don’t see this happening in the near future. Link: Be sure to read it all - including the comment section, and follow the links. Foxconn admits that manufacturing costs for labor are too high in SE WI to be profitable in a Global Economy. Does MTP Village President David "Sewer Monster" DooFus, er... DeGroot, have anything to say about that? Maybe Village Staff and Employees will need to begin experiencing severe cuts to their wages and benefits to bring them better in line with Third World Countries, H-1B's, and emerging industrialized countries such as China and India. I suggest that MTP could begin by paying questionably competent Village Clerk Stephanie Kohlhagen $2.50 per day and requiring her to work 12 hour shifts - 6 days a week. Hurrah! for Equality and all that other stuff! Now she qualifies to be a Foxconn Employee! No more MTP Village overpaid, overcompensated, and incompetent staff! And MTP Village President David DeGoofus can finally lower taxes - as he so promised due to his being a Tea-Tard. A potential bright spot - as Amazon seems to have lost it's taste for New York - why not MTP, WI. The infrastructure is ready to go! The Taxpayers are on the hook - and the timing is perfect..... "A Devastating Loss" - NYC Real Estate Stunned After Amazon Threat To Leave Our initial reaction when we saw the headline in the Washington Post this morning about Amazon reconsidering its move to Queens was that all the real estate speculators who had scrambled to buy up nearby property (or shares in NYC-based REITs) would experience a dizzying surge of anxiety. And as it turns out, in offices across NYC, hundreds of real estate brokers were thinking the exact same thing. Late on Friday, reporters for Bloomberg canvassed established brokers with most of the big houses across the city, and their responses ranged from shock, to amusement, indignation, and disbelief. Bill Montana, a senior managing director at Savills, exclaimed that Amazon would be "exceedingly foolish" to scrap its plans to move to the Big Apple. Bill Montana was schmoozing with real estate brokers Thursday at an industry event in New York, talking about the biggest deal in years: Inc.’s decision to build a major campus in Queens. By the next morning the euphoria had evaporated. Reports the tech giant was reconsidering its plans amid a fierce public backlash sent a jolt through the real estate community that was pinning their hopes on a significant pickup in activity. "You gotta be kidding me!" Montana, a senior managing director at brokerage Savills Studley, said when reached by phone Friday. "Amazon would be exceedingly foolish to actually pull out of this deal." Continuing with that theme, a broker at Colliers said scrapping the move to Queens would hurt Amazon as much as - if not more than - the city itself. "It would be somewhere between a terrible shame and a devastating loss," said Michael Cohen, tri-state region president at brokerage Colliers International Group Inc. "It’s not the end of the world, but it’s a self-inflicted wound that will possibly send the signal to others that might have wanted to follow in Amazon’s footsteps." Savanna, the owner of Citigroup's Long Island City office, affirmed that Amazon had signed a letter of intent to move about some employees into the Citigroup building at 1 Court Square. Citi is already preparing to move 1,100 employees out of the building. Both parties would undoubtedly be less-than-pleased if Amazon backed out of the agreement. Brokers who have been in the process of negotiating sales are probably also pissed about possibly losing out on some fat commissions, as even the whiff of a possible Amazon pullout could send would-be buyers - some of whom were planning to pay premiums as high as 20% over recent prices - immediately fleeing. Link: If Foxconn refuses to provide 13,000 jobs paying $53,000 per year - then bring Amazon here. That's better than Plan "B" - aka Bankruptcy. No doubt, MAGA President Donald Trump can assist MTP Village President David DeGoof in bringing Amazon to MTP - to fill the empty spaces created by the failure of the Foxconn miracle to materialize. Good luck to all - and Happy 2019! Surely, Residents can't wait to see their 'NEW" and "IMPROVED" lowered tax bill due to all of the revenue generated from the BILLIONS of $$$$ invested in the Fox-Scam Fiasco.
====================================================== City of Racine can now *FIRE* 3 unnecessary positions from the 5 currently ensconced in the Mayor's Office - begin wage and compensation decreases - to better match that of 3rd World Nations and emerging economies, and.... *FIRE* City Attorney Scott Letteney and his entire staff. *FIRE* City Administrator Nick Palenick. *RESIGN* Cory! *FREE* Sandy! Sincerely, Tim & Cindy
Layoffs are increasing....
Shut it all down! The Phoenix arises from the ashes!
Why I am NOT a Christian
They never saw it coming
Boys are now excluded from the Boy Scouts:
The Boy Scouts of America welcomed the establishment of Troop 86 in Vulcan and Troop 219 in Helena on February 1st. But these two troops are different -- no boys, all girls. The first two of their kind in Central Alabama. With the formation of these two troops, a debate has taken hold. Some think this compromises the central mission of the Boy Scouts, whereas other believe it gives girls new opportunities that they never had before.It won't be long before men are excluded from the pulpits of Fake Christian "churches" too. This is why our ancestors didn't allow women to join men's groups in the first place.
Comment Of The Week: The Betrayal Of The White Woman
Dirtnapninja earned this week’s COTW award with a pithy take on the rift opening between White men and White women.
Theodora follows up with the COTW runner-up medal, likening the betrayal of our White women to an ancient tale,
Read more:
Of all the crimes the foe has inflicted on us, turning white females into our class enemies was the most unforgivable.Unforgivable, because it was an engineered betrayal that struck at the strongest bond of a society: the bond between man, woman, and child. To corrupt everything else, the sexual market first had to be corrupted. And then the dominoes fell easily.
Theodora follows up with the COTW runner-up medal, likening the betrayal of our White women to an ancient tale,
They found the weakest link, like in the story of Adam and Eve. The serpent whispered: “Come with me and turn against your man, nation, tradition and ancestors, and you will have a seat at the table with our privileged minorities. Affirmative action, preferential hiring, gibsmedat as much as you want, the victimhood aura, the right to be irresponsible and to be believed no matter what you say, like them. Just betray everything you are supposed to stand for.” She listened and she obeyed.She obeyed so well that she now serves as guardian and gatekeeper for Globohomo.
Read more:
Friday, February 8, 2019
Four for Fridays!
Good morning everyone I hope you had a good week. The last three days I have not had much sleep waiting up for my daughter to get home from work with having the bad roads for her to drive at 10pm.. Yes I am up early because Drew had been working ten hour days so I have been just getting naps here and there. Here are your questions!
1) With the weather we have had what is the worst road condition you have drove in?
2) Have you ever spun your car out on black ice?
3) What is the coldest temperature you would go out in?
4) If you could would you just hibernate all winter long?
Have a great weekend and stay warm.
1) With the weather we have had what is the worst road condition you have drove in?
2) Have you ever spun your car out on black ice?
3) What is the coldest temperature you would go out in?
4) If you could would you just hibernate all winter long?
Have a great weekend and stay warm.
Thursday, February 7, 2019
After a recent article appeared on a Buffalo news website discussing
the poor working conditions and a "dog and pony show" at Tesla's Buffalo plant that was conceived to help secure taxpayer money, one state senator is growing increasingly unamused and skeptical of Tesla. In fact, State Senator Tim Kennedy is "infuriated". Recently an investigative report was written about the working conditions at Tesla's Buffalo plant, claiming: During a media tour, work was "fabricated" to make employees look busy Tesla had walls built to hide unused equipment and blocked off large areas for media appearances Employees would watch movies on their cell phones while on 12 hour shifts Tesla's reported employment numbers in the state for 2018 did not match FOIA requests that returned employment data from 2017 "Nothing improved during the entire employment as far as production,” according to an ex-employee Kennedy also claims that these ex-employees had reached out to his office with similar complaints. Recommended videos Powered by AnyClip Tesla Shares Sink After Musk Teases a Difficult Quarter Ahead Current Time 0:03 / Duration 1:11 Now Playing Tesla Shares Sink After Musk Teases a Difficult Quarter Ahead Tesla Shares Sink on Mixed Earnings Report Google earnings soar but concerns rise too Apple Blocks Facebook Over Covert Market Research Program, Escalating Tensions Microsoft Tumbles After Earnings Report on Cloud Business Concerns "I don’t know how Gigafactory II has been going on this long without any checks and balances or any government officials or politicians actually monitoring or watching and holding them to some standards," one employee told WIVB. Also, Kennedy isn’t ignoring the complaints of his constituents: “We immediately contacted Tesla, we let them know that if these allegations were in fact true, certainly they were disturbing and raised eyebrows. We wanted to know the answers.” He has yet to receive a formal response from the company, but stated that he was "infuriated" when he found out that Tesla had laid off about 50 employees at the Buffalo plant as part of the company's 7% cut in overall workforce. Sounds like..... FOXSCAMMMMMMMM! Can you say.... Fox-Scam-O-Rama Mount Pleasant?!!! I knew you could!
Inside Wisconsin’s Disastrous $4.5 Billion Deal With Foxconn
A huge tax break was supposed to create a manufacturing paradise, but interviews with 49 people familiar with the project depict a chaotic operation unlikely to ever employ 13,000 workers.
Parking Utility
Dear City of Racine Alderpersons, Journal Times just ran this article where City Administrator Nick Palenick is alleged to have stated: "Palenick reported the meters bring in a modest profit — $53,659 in 2017, $41,030 in 2018 — but said that is not their purpose". See: A "PROFIT"? Is that true - and where did City Administrator Nick Palenick obtain those numbers from? A Profit would be AFTER expenses were deducted...... so what is the actual revenue stream? I've looked at the 2017 Audited Financial Report for City of Racine - and cannot find the number he provided the Journal Times with. Can any Alderperson point me to the actual source of the information - besides HEARSAY? I do find a Parking Utility chart - which indicates that it is being operated at a major loss of over $500,000 per year. What is a meter maid(s) paid - and how about the expenses for vehicle(s), maintenance, and the tax free fringe? Now I do realize that this number also includes the parking ramps - So there may be another number - hidden elsewhere. I truly cannot believe that the Parking Meters Revenues are exceeding Expenses - and I do NOT believe - until I see actual audited numbers - that a Profit is being generated - but then again - this type of "little white lie" is to be expected from the generally incompetent Administration which operates the City - usually at a loss. If there is NO Alderperson at City Hall who can show me - in an audited financial report where Nick Palenick got his numbers from - and that the Profit is REAL - that is Revenues exceed expenses - then he needs to be *FIRED* because he is incompetent. Just like City Attorney Scott Letteney who mis-classified many public open records as Attorney-Client privilege. There is Revenue vs. Expenses. Profit vs. Loss. Does City Administrator Nick Palenick understand these distinctions? I suspect he may not. As for Mayor Cory Mason - why did he run for Mayor if he couldn't handle the job? Having to increase the City Administration Office number of employees from a bloated 3 to an outrageous 5! Taxpayer funded position! He needs to resign. The 2017 Audited Financial Report just shows how lousy the City Administration is when judged as to "Stewardship' - see attached screenshot. With Foxconn being severely scaled back, it is time to eliminate 3 of the 5 positions in the Mayor's office. And Alderperson Terry McCarthy - City of Ratcine isn't the "Community of Choice" - it's the Community of VICE. FIRE! City of Attorney Scott Letteney and his entire staff. FIRE! City Administrator Nick Palenick and 3 more in the Mayor's Office! RESIGN! Mayor Cory Mason! *FREE* Sandy and stop the hate! Protect the Taxpayers who live in and love the City of Vice. Then we have the issue of Mayor Cory Mason's Top-Secret $100,000 RPD Police study..... Nine months later: Police morale study results and cost still not released... *SIGH*... So when does the Mason's Lakefront property get properly assessed? LOL! Sincerely, Tim & Cindy
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Dear Madame Zoltar
Hello my dears! How are you? Better than the State of the Union, I hope. As usual, Trump worked the crowd for applause, but little agreement, As far as I see it, nothing's changed. Declaration of a National Emergency is now the hammer that Trump raises against his "enemies" in Congress. Can the Democrats fight that? How? They'll say that Trump is not competent to make such decisions alone. So what? Can Congress block a Declaration of a National Emergency? Back and forth it goes, but nothing ever seems to get done.
How about locally? Are we still going to have to "feed the meter"? Even though it costs more to maintain them than they bring in? Hmm, I wonder who has their thumbs in this pie? We'll have to wait to see who squeals the loudest. Crying counts. However, no throwing of shoes.
The Sandy Weidner debacle continues. Judge Eugene G. is still keeping some stuff secret, or so he says. May he join Judge Piontek. However, Judge Eugene deserves permanent disbarment. So does the Bearded Lady sitting in the City Attorney's office. What a bunch of crooks. Fie upon thee!
Oh my, Foxconn farted last week and the stink wafted everywhere. Eventually, Foxconn representatives had to reassure Trump himself. A lot of people still don't trust them and expect Foxconn to "walk out" on us sooner or later. Let's hope not. Darn, the Chinese are so inscrutable. Wait till a giant robot rises from the Foxconn site, shooting laser beams and stomping on everything. That'll teach us to trust the yellow menace again.
As soon as I saw Foxconn executives shaking hands with then-Governor Walker, I knew we were in trouble. They took him for a ride. And he was so proud of it. Foxconn: Blessing or Curse?
How about Lee Enterprise's purchase of the Kenosha Daily news? I feel sorry for Kenosha readers,,,
From the Huffington Post: "Scientists Discover Giant Hole Beneath Rapidly Melting Antarctic Glacier." The hole, however, is not as big as the holes in the heads and hearts of some of our politicians.
That's all for today, boys and girls. It's the political edition.
I love you all.
Watch out for the ice out there. Winter brings on so many challenges. Please help your neighbor if you can.
Please donate: If you don't like PayPal, send me a note at and I'll send you my street address so you can send a check or money order. Thank you.
How about locally? Are we still going to have to "feed the meter"? Even though it costs more to maintain them than they bring in? Hmm, I wonder who has their thumbs in this pie? We'll have to wait to see who squeals the loudest. Crying counts. However, no throwing of shoes.
The Sandy Weidner debacle continues. Judge Eugene G. is still keeping some stuff secret, or so he says. May he join Judge Piontek. However, Judge Eugene deserves permanent disbarment. So does the Bearded Lady sitting in the City Attorney's office. What a bunch of crooks. Fie upon thee!
Oh my, Foxconn farted last week and the stink wafted everywhere. Eventually, Foxconn representatives had to reassure Trump himself. A lot of people still don't trust them and expect Foxconn to "walk out" on us sooner or later. Let's hope not. Darn, the Chinese are so inscrutable. Wait till a giant robot rises from the Foxconn site, shooting laser beams and stomping on everything. That'll teach us to trust the yellow menace again.
As soon as I saw Foxconn executives shaking hands with then-Governor Walker, I knew we were in trouble. They took him for a ride. And he was so proud of it. Foxconn: Blessing or Curse?
How about Lee Enterprise's purchase of the Kenosha Daily news? I feel sorry for Kenosha readers,,,
From the Huffington Post: "Scientists Discover Giant Hole Beneath Rapidly Melting Antarctic Glacier." The hole, however, is not as big as the holes in the heads and hearts of some of our politicians.
That's all for today, boys and girls. It's the political edition.
I love you all.
Watch out for the ice out there. Winter brings on so many challenges. Please help your neighbor if you can.
Please donate: If you don't like PayPal, send me a note at and I'll send you my street address so you can send a check or money order. Thank you.
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Parking Meters
In regards to: The City of Racine Parking Utility is being run at an operating loss of $538,360 according to the City of Racine 2017 Audited Financial Report. The Civic Centre is #1 at an operating loss of $675,357. Of course, no one beats the operating losses of the RDA, and where the funds go - nobody knows!
My Bellow, Americans
From The Shepherd Express:
Before I launch into my prepared remarks from over the years of my fond due diligence on the job, I begin with this anecdote:
Guy goes to the dentist. Dentist examines the guy’s mouth and says, “These are the worst teeth I’ve ever seen. Do you ever floss?”
Guy says, “Flossing’s a big pain in the ass.”
Dentist says, “Then obviously you’re doing it wrong.”
Thank you. Please be seated. We shall begin.
Yes, “You’re doing it wrong.” When haven’t I heard that exact phase more than once and plus a hundred times weekly during my administration of this essay. When I awaken, “You’re doing it wrong,” be the first words I hear through my head. When I go to bed in the nighttime, “You’re doing it wrong” be the last words I imagine to hear before dreaming of better essays.
And what can I pledge to do about this? Fock if I know. So now I sit with thumb up dupa and wonder, hey, how many of these essays do I have left in me, anyways? Could it really be some kind of what-you-call finite number, or do I possess the kind of potency to keep pumping these babies out ’til they got to haul me out of here feet first come doomsday? Again, fock if I know.
But I do know I’d like to have a word with the smokers in the audience. You are true Americans, what with the exorbitant amount of taxes you ship to the governments on an hourly basis so that our elected politicians can enjoy the Cadillac of all health plans, while your crappy health plan is now ready and willing to chew you a new one because you might be a so-called health risk for no reason other than the exercise of freedom to make a personal choice, or something like that.
I’m just not buying the science of the health malarkey that the anti-crowd chooses to use to douse your enjoyment of a fine tobacco product. According to a study I personally slapped together years ago, I learned that the average life span of the average Tom, Dick or Dickless got one hell of a lot longer after Sir Walter Raleigh discovered the cigarette than it was before the cigarette, so put that in your peace pipe and smoke it, mister.
Hey, you can look it up yourself if you don’t believe me. Back in the olden days of the Dark Ages, long before your regular Joe Blow could take a break and blow a square, civilized people lived in dank castles, grew old and croaked by the age of thirty-focking-five, I kid you not. Today in the modern time following the advent of the tobacco product, you can find guys at the age of 35, chewing the chaw and playing competitive ball on major league baseball teams to the tune of a couple, three million bucks a year. Funny you don’t hear more about that connected to the so-called “evils” of tobacco, ain’a?
Now I’m not saying that cigarettes are the only reason people live longer today than they used to—indoor plumbing’s probably helped some—but I am saying that you never hear about the connection between smokes and longevity. Kind of makes a guy wonder what else he might not be hearing about, what the fock.
And “what else” you won’t be hearing is more from me. It’s cocktail time, ’cause I’m Art Kumbalek and I told you so.
I’m Art Kumbalek and man oh manischewitz what a world,
ain’a? So listen, thanks for coming to this page and god bless you. As
your loin-girded anointed local knucklehead essayist, I would be a
derelict from my duties if I did not deliver my annual address about
what a good focking job I’ve been doing; about how we as a peoples are
way better off than we’d be if I were not doing the job of whatever the
fock the job is I do; about tossing a limp bone to knobshines who’d say
perhaps I’m not performing up to the snuff; and blah blah, focking blah.
And about that polar weather we had last week—I heard some clown on
TV suggest it was of “Biblical proportions.” Hold on—“Biblical”? You got
to be jerking my beefaroni. Hey, the people who first made up the Bible
wouldn’t of known “cold” if it came up and took a big honking bite
right out of thine beatific butts. Give me a focking break. You ever
hear of Jesus shoveling snow? You ever hear Him telling his focking
flock to wear a hat “cause you lose 90% of your body heat out the
topsides of your domes,” so it is written? They were all in a desert.
They knew about as much from the cold and snow as they did about the
Earth being round for christ sakes, I kid you not.)Before I launch into my prepared remarks from over the years of my fond due diligence on the job, I begin with this anecdote:
Guy goes to the dentist. Dentist examines the guy’s mouth and says, “These are the worst teeth I’ve ever seen. Do you ever floss?”
Guy says, “Flossing’s a big pain in the ass.”
Dentist says, “Then obviously you’re doing it wrong.”
Thank you. Please be seated. We shall begin.
Yes, “You’re doing it wrong.” When haven’t I heard that exact phase more than once and plus a hundred times weekly during my administration of this essay. When I awaken, “You’re doing it wrong,” be the first words I hear through my head. When I go to bed in the nighttime, “You’re doing it wrong” be the last words I imagine to hear before dreaming of better essays.
And what can I pledge to do about this? Fock if I know. So now I sit with thumb up dupa and wonder, hey, how many of these essays do I have left in me, anyways? Could it really be some kind of what-you-call finite number, or do I possess the kind of potency to keep pumping these babies out ’til they got to haul me out of here feet first come doomsday? Again, fock if I know.
But I do know I’d like to have a word with the smokers in the audience. You are true Americans, what with the exorbitant amount of taxes you ship to the governments on an hourly basis so that our elected politicians can enjoy the Cadillac of all health plans, while your crappy health plan is now ready and willing to chew you a new one because you might be a so-called health risk for no reason other than the exercise of freedom to make a personal choice, or something like that.
I’m just not buying the science of the health malarkey that the anti-crowd chooses to use to douse your enjoyment of a fine tobacco product. According to a study I personally slapped together years ago, I learned that the average life span of the average Tom, Dick or Dickless got one hell of a lot longer after Sir Walter Raleigh discovered the cigarette than it was before the cigarette, so put that in your peace pipe and smoke it, mister.
Hey, you can look it up yourself if you don’t believe me. Back in the olden days of the Dark Ages, long before your regular Joe Blow could take a break and blow a square, civilized people lived in dank castles, grew old and croaked by the age of thirty-focking-five, I kid you not. Today in the modern time following the advent of the tobacco product, you can find guys at the age of 35, chewing the chaw and playing competitive ball on major league baseball teams to the tune of a couple, three million bucks a year. Funny you don’t hear more about that connected to the so-called “evils” of tobacco, ain’a?
Now I’m not saying that cigarettes are the only reason people live longer today than they used to—indoor plumbing’s probably helped some—but I am saying that you never hear about the connection between smokes and longevity. Kind of makes a guy wonder what else he might not be hearing about, what the fock.
And “what else” you won’t be hearing is more from me. It’s cocktail time, ’cause I’m Art Kumbalek and I told you so.
Monday, February 4, 2019
Sunday, February 3, 2019
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