5 things to do in Racine this week: Feb. 10-16
15 hours ago
Infotainment - Racine, Wisconsin, USA
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Associated Press |
Dear City Of Racine Alderpersons, When will City of Racine Mayor Cory Mason step up to the plate, do the right thing for long overtaxed and oppressed taxpaying Residents and *FIRE* City Attorney Scott Letteney long with his entire Staff?! To: City of Racine Common Council 2-27-2019 From: Harry Wait Subject: Complaint, egregious conduct by City Attorney Scott Letteney To City of Racine Common council members, I bring forth the attached complaint to request placement of this complaint onto the calendar for the March 5th, 2019 common council meeting. Mr. Letteney’s conduct as city attorney has thwarted, impeded and undermined the powers of the common council, shown contempt for state and city ordinances, abused his powers in office by acting as a political thug and filed false, frivolous pleadings into court records concerning the open records case of Sandy Weidner vs. City of Racine. Racine County Circuit Court case# 2017CV1644 Complainant asks the common council acting under it authorities to sanction and/or remove Attorney Letteney for his egregious conduct against public interest and that of the City of Racine. Read more @ https://arrestrecordsofracinewipublicofficials.wordpress.com/2019/03/02/racine-city-attorney-scott-letteney-must-resign-or-be-fired/ Sincerely, Tim & Cindy.
Dear City of Racine Alderpersons - Assets vs Liabilities. How much more time can City of Racine Residents continue to spend into the Future? Please calculate this amount for me - and provide exact data and references for your future calculations. So if I allege that you have grossly overspent on the future..... am I wrong? Especially in regards to OPEB! Aka - Other Post Employment Benefits?! Just asking. Sincerely, Tim & Cindy
She's really upset with me again, I didn't give her what she likes I don't know what to tell her, Don't know what to say Everything got funky last night She was really bombed, And I was really blown away, Until I asked her what she wanted, And this is what she had to say: A pearl necklace She want to pearl necklace She want to pearl necklace
Foxconn executive C.P. "Tank" Murdoch speaks in Green Bay Thursday. (Photo: Rick Romell/Milwaukee Journal Sentinel) |
Dear City of Racine Alderpersons, Somehow there is money in the Budget to expand the Mayor's Office to FIVE! Positions. A position which could be handled by at MOST competent persons. You need to decide - Mayor - OR - Administrator plus Assistant. And now comes the kicker - WHAT? ‘Resources have to come from somewhere’ During the city budget discussion last fall, Mayor Cory Mason and other department heads said they had transferred some operation costs to fees in order to help keep down the tax levy. “We were working really hard to keep property taxes down this year,” Mason said on Monday. “The resources have to come from somewhere.” Parks Director Tom Molbeck confirmed at the Monday meeting that last year, after their deposit was returned, the department charged Salmon-A-Rama a little under $3,000. This year, Molbeck said the total charged would be a little under $7,000 for two days of set-up, one day for takedown and nine days for the event itself. Molbeck’s staff compared their fees with Kenosha, Janesville and Madison and said that while those cities’ fees were lower at the outset, they would “nickel and dime” renters for items like garbage cans. Molbeck said Racine’s fees look higher, but are all-inclusive packages. “We are not pricing to price out anybody,” said Molbeck. “We’re asked to come up with fees for our budget and this is what we had.” https://journaltimes.com/news/local/salmon-a-rama-could-leave-city-panel-denies-request-to/article_48a78dd3-84f4-59f1-89e3-acf3f09e7393.html#tracking-source=home-trending Tom Molbeck is yet another $100,000 plus gold plated boat anchor warming a seat in City Hall with a $25,000 PLUS tax-free Fringe! It's the City of VIce - where taxes and fees support a bloated and INCOMPETENT Administrative staff while services are cut and events for Residents are denied because of outrageous fees. I hereby find the City of Racine Common Council GUILTY! of Looting Residents in a City of Ill Repute! Sincerely, Tim & Cindy
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Gov.-elect Tony Evers is shown during an interview Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2019, in Madison, Wis. (Photo11: Mark Hoffman / Milwaukee Journal Sentinel) |
Now the JT suddenly shows ZERO Comments on the Ricky's article - LOL. They allowed comments - closed comments - and now open comments - but there are no postings = JT Fuk U. I see what you are doing.
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Photo credit: Robert Geiger |
Dear Village Board, It would appear that MTP has a very viable - and potential candidate for one of those 13,0000 Foxconn jobs paying at least $53,000 per year based upon a 2,040 hour workweek. From JT: MOUNT PLEASANT — After being asked to turn down his classic-rock music, a Mount Pleasant man allegedly threatened his roommate with a handgun just before 3 a.m. Saturday. The man, 25-year-old Nicholas S. Gunderson of the 2700 block of North Fancher Road, has been charged with multiple crimes connected to threatening his roommate, possessing firearms while intoxicated and drug possession. According to a criminal complaint: Gunderson’s roommate told police that he confronted Gunderson at about 3 a.m. Saturday while Gunderson was drinking “quite a bit” of moonshine and listening to Tom Petty “loudly,” according to the Mount Pleasant Police Department. When the roommate confronted Gunderson, the suspect allegedly grabbed his Springfield XD .45-caliber handgun and pointed it at his roommate and his roommate’s girlfriend. When asked if he threatened his roommate, Gunderson allegedly told police “(I) protected my Second Amendment right and protected (my) household.” Gunderson also allegedly shoved his roommate, and police reported that the victim had sustained a visible head injury. https://journaltimes.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/police-man-threatens-roommate-with-handgun-after-being-asked-to/article_ad8add9f-be57-5553-94a4-5a6fd1802520.html HEY - the future for MTP is so bright - I gotta wear shades! Let me know when my opportunity arrives.... STILL WAITING - Terry Gou - feel free to contact me at any time.... Sincerely, Tim & Cindy.
MOUNT PLEASANT — After being asked to turn down his classic-rock music, a Mount Pleasant man allegedly threatened his roommate with a handgun just before 3 a.m. Saturday. The man, 25-year-old Nicholas S. Gunderson of the 2700 block of North Fancher Road, has been charged with multiple crimes connected to threatening his roommate, possessing firearms while intoxicated and drug possession. According to a criminal complaint: Gunderson’s roommate told police that he confronted Gunderson at about 3 a.m. Saturday while Gunderson was drinking “quite a bit” of moonshine and listening to Tom Petty “loudly,” according to the Mount Pleasant Police Department. When the roommate confronted Gunderson, the suspect allegedly grabbed his Springfield XD .45-caliber handgun and pointed it at his roommate and his roommate’s girlfriend. https://journaltimes.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/police-man-threatens-roommate-with-handgun-after-being-asked-to/article_ad8add9f-be57-5553-94a4-5a6fd1802520.html
Dear City of Racine Alderpersons, Seems that Journal Times has something to hide - when comments are deleted and closed. Please NOTE = I do not comment at JT. Under any name or alias. RACINE — After nearly 26 years in business, Rick Smetana has decided to close his Downtown bar, Ricky’s Place. From the start and through the years, Ricky’s was a magnet for police officers and other law enforcement personnel. Smetana’s brother Dave Smetana was a Racine Police officer and is now Pleasant Prairie’s police chief. Rick said he also has “numerous” nephews who are on the Racine Police, Mount Pleasant Police and Kenosha County Sheriff’s departments. “And countless friends that I had prior to Ricky’s and at Ricky’s who are police officers,” he added. “They would bring their coworkers and friends. I was very proud to say it was a place that law enforcement (personnel) would come in and feel at home, feel relaxed.”.... https://journaltimes.com/business/local/after-years-ricky-s-place-to-close/article_6caef344-c6da-5019-b863-9cd6555b107c.html#tncms-source=infinity-scroll-summary-siderail-latest Comments - OFF - I wonder why. What more are ya all hiding? Seems that their is a bit of cover-up going on here. And Sgt Stulo and Maxines? At least Kenosha *FIRED* their drunk driving KPD Sergeant who caused mayhem. Guess taxpayer s continue to pay "Not Guilty" RPD Officer Sgt. Stulo - like "Not Guilty" Rich and Jennifer Chiapete - and hey - how can this be covered up? Gotta be a lot of ways..... Just asking? Overtaxed and oppressed Residents have unanswered questions. Why? Welcome to the Mayor Cory Mason Bloat and cover-up. Just ask Rich and Jennifer Chiapete how that works out - along with dirt-ee former City Attorney Rob Weber. Sincerely, Tim & Cindy
The "End of America?" Most likely. The "Demise of liberty?" You betcha! The "Destruction of Western Civilization?" Of course! But why let all of the above get you down? Learn to "Enjoy the Decline!" "Enjoy the Decline" is mandatory reading for all conservatives, libertarians, Americans, and lovers of freedom who are mourning the slow, but sure death of their culture and their country. America is over. Freedom will be curtailed. Liberty is dead. And above all else, it is inevitable. But the answer is not to get depressed and give up hope. The answer is to change your attitude and learn how to "Enjoy the Decline." You get one life on this planet and Aaron Clarey explains how to get the most out of it even though socialism and tyranny are all around you. From learning how to adapt your psychology to learning to let go and take advantage of the socialist system, "Enjoy the Decline" carries the freedom loving American through the 5 stages of grief and puts them on a path to enjoy their life regardless of what is happening. https://www.amazon.com/Enjoy-Decline-Accepting-Living-United/dp/1480284769 Five stages of grief: https://www.biography.com/people/elisabeth-kubler-ross-262762
Interesting.... https://journaltimes.com/business/local/after-years-ricky-s-place-to-close/article_6caef344-c6da-5019-b863-9cd6555b107c.html#tncms-source=infinity-scroll-summary-siderail-latest Rick said he also has “numerous” nephews who are on the Racine Police, Mount Pleasant Police and Kenosha County Sheriff’s departments. “And countless friends that I had prior to Ricky’s and at Ricky’s who are police officers,” he added. “They would bring their coworkers and friends. I was very proud to say it was a place that law enforcement (personnel) would come in and feel at home, feel relaxed.” “It’s unfortunate that some things come to an end,” Smetana said, “but everything does.” NOTE: That there is a Steve Smetana on Racine Common Council - In addition to Mollie Jones - the Mother of a RPD Police Officer who has been on paid leave for.... years? The Common Council is neither - it is a biased group of connected Insiders who promote their best interests.
Dear City of Racine Alderpersons - From my comment: "City of Racine Attorney Scott Letteney and his entire Staff have acted with Gross Malfeasance and Incompetence in their pursuit to punish an Alderwoman for simply doing her job. City streets crumble, services are cut, and taxes are hiked to fund the vendetta of an incompetent City Attorney who labels even routine and open records as "secret" and claims "attorney -client privilege". When will Mayor Cory Mason and the Racine Common Council do their job - end the charade - and *FIRE* Racine City Attorney Scott Letteney and his entire Staff"! https://www.thepetitionsite.com/142/432/398/demand-the-resignation-of-racine-city-attorney-scott-letteney/ I'm an overtaxed and oppressed Resident - residing at 3706 Douglas Ave. Phone # (262) 822 - 7260 You have my E-Mail - preferred contact. It is past time to *FIRE* Scott Letteney and his entire staff! Sincerely, Tim & Cindy
Dear City of Racine Alderpersons, Please sign the petition and do the right thing for the long suffering and overtaxed Residents of Racine. The gross incompetence displayed by the City Attorney - Scott Letteney and his entitre Staff - has cost Taxpayers Hundreds of Thousands of wasted dollars. We the undersigned, citizens of Racine, WI, hereby petition the City Council to do a complete performance review of City Attorney Scott Letteney for the purpose of removing him from office for misconduct, malfeasance and other violations of the City's Municipal Codes. We allege that Mr. Letteney has acted in a corrupt and incompetent manner and thereby inflicted multiple and heavy financial and social damages on the city and its citizens and on our confidence in city government. Under Letteney’s supervision, systems and procedures are in place to thwart, hinder and impede the general public’s right to know. "Let us be clear about what has happened. City Attorney Letteney, with Judge Gasiorkiewicz’s help, has wasted many thousands of taxpayer dollars to embrace a shocking level of official secrecy. Weidner and media organizations have, at their own expense, pushed back against this, and thus far prevailed. But the wrong that has been done here has not yet been righted. There ought to be consequences for the bad judgment shown by Letteney and Gasiorkiewicz, as well as by Racine Mayor Cory Mason — who, as far as I can tell, has sat on his hands as this outrage has played out in his city. The violation of the public trust here has been severe. The repercussions should be also." - Bill Lueders president of the Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council. "In my 56 years in the news business, including a 15-year stint as president of the Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council, I've witnessed some bizarre attempts by government officials to keep information from the public they're supposed to serve — but the one that's currently dragging on in Racine County clearly takes the cake. Editor Emeritus Dave Zweifel The Capital Times "This whole episode is a disgrace to the City of Racine, an insult to taxpayers and a waste of money. It calls into question the judgment of the city attorney and his reasoning for pursuing such a misguided venture when he went before a closed session meeting of city aldermen in the fall of 2017." Racine Journal Times Editorial Board https://www.thepetitionsite.com/142/432/398/demand-the-resignation-of-racine-city-attorney-scott-letteney/ And be sure to also *FIRE* 3 of the ! 5 ! UNNECESSARY, overpaid and underworked positions in the Mayor's Office. Mayor Cory "Butterball" Mason indeed - the BLOAT is obvious and another burden on the overtaxed Residents of Ratcine. I love Racine for the obvious graft, nepotism, corruption, and gross malfeasance. It is NOT the City of choice - but the City of VICE! It is time to end the Hate and Oppression you are waging against the working poor, a Responsible and Accountable Alderwoman, Residents, and Taxpayers. *FIRE* Scott Letteney and his entire staff! Sincerely, Tim & Cindy
Dear Village Board' So now it is official. Fox-Scam is winging it.. Who woulda thunk it? MILWAUKEE — “We’re building the airplane while we’re flying and we’re redesigning it." That is the analogy Bill Mitchell, Foxconn's vice president of business operations, used Thursday to describe the Foxconn Technology Group's Wisconsin plans. "And we’re figuring it out as we go but we are figuring it out," Mitchell said. "We don’t have all the answers but we’re figuring it out.” Mitchell, who is also president and CEO of Aguila — a Foxconn distribution company, made the remarks Thursday at the Wisconsin Manufacturing Extension Partnership "Manufacturing Matters" conference in Milwaukee. https://journaltimes.com/news/local/foxconn-exec-we-re-building-the-airplane-while-we-re/article_5d65da9d-36c4-5b04-9ce6-848ae2acf0f4.html#tncms-source=infinity-scroll-summary-siderail-latest Moar like - CONFUSION REIGNS SUPREME! MTP VP - Mr David DeGoof - what is going on here? Where is my $53,000 job at 2,040 hours per year? Mr. Sonny Havn - Mr. John Hewitt -(who can't do it!) Anna Marie Klausen - and clueless Ram BS'er- can you provide me with a CLUE? A Job? a Paycheck? Anything less than increased taxes, and debt service to the Banksters:? Who you mortgaged the Community to? Does Village Idiot Davis DeGoof have any comment regarding those 13,000 jobs paying $53,000 each - minimum? Which have suddenly DISAPPEARED? Still awaiting a reply - Mr. MTP Village Idiot David DeGoofus. Learning to fly while building an aeroplane is likely a GINORMOUS task! Right? VI (Village Idiot) David DeGoofus? Requires Ginormous spaces, taxes, and infrastructure. "cause ya kan. Perhaps Amazon and Jeff Bezos will arrive to save the day. Could happen. I'm open to anything.... now. Sincerely, Tim & Cindy