Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Just Put the F#cking Turkey in the Oven

Ok, well I thought Thanksgiving was next week, I found out today that it was this Thursday.. yeah yeah, so we'll be over a week late having our Thanksgiving dinner, it's not like we get the day off over here.. Anyways I saw this on Facebook, I found it to be very sound advice.. So for all of you over there that will be making your Thanksgiving dinners, take a look at the video to get some advice..


kkdither said...

Merci, Tante Marie. I plan to just put the f#cking turkey into the oven, too. It always turns out best when you don't fret over it. And, I never realized it, but I guess... according to her depiction, I also have a lot in common with the turkey. Lol!

OrbsCorbs said...

I love her attitude. Thanks, Why Not.

OKIE said...

Informative video wasn't it? Like Orbs, I love her attitude.

Thanks Why Not!

Toad said...

That was great. "It's just a fuckin Turkey"

Thanks Why Not. Cheers, I'll take the Pinot.

Toad said...

Ya know? The best Turkey I ever cooked was In a Nesco for too long. When It was time to take It out of the Nesco, only the breasts came out. The rest of the bird was stuck to the bottom. My sister-in-law, and me picked the bottom of the pan nearly clean, because the Turkey had been sitting In all of these wonderful juices. It was an amazing Turkey, and nobody else knew It. LOL.

drewzepmeister said...

Guess who's making the turkey this year?

jedwis said...

Why Not...too funny. With enough wine & Baileys anything would taste good.