Rose Ferg, 74, devoted mother and compassionate soul, dies
34 minutes ago
Infotainment - Racine, Wisconsin, USA
Dear Village Board, I just read this in JT: Mount Pleasant considering parks manager position Hiring a Parks Manager? And allowing alcohol to be consumed in Village Parks? WTF is going on? Didn't Village President, angry white male, David DeGoof claim he was a Tea-Tard - and for smaller government, lower taxes, controlling spending, private property rights, and respecting the rule of law? Now MTP is going to increase spending, increase the number of government workers, salaries, wages, compensation, and encourage people to drink and drive in Village Parks! *WOW* Just *WOW* MTP has moved from so much to the left that you may as well legalize prostitution and drugs, ala Amsterdam. Truth be told - the drugs and prostitution are just another feature in MTP - thank to Knights Inn and other local hook up spots. Of course, if MTP Residents get drunk, and stay drunk, they might not mind the outrageous coming increases in taxes, due to the failed Foxconn Scam. You'd think that MTP Village President Dave DeGoof and Racine Mayor Cory Mason are best drinking buddies. Just Saying. C'mon Village President - Dave DeGoof - admit it - ya got a fetish for blue fisting Residents! Ala Cory Mason! Wolves in Sheep's clothing comes to mind. Me thinks that Dave is just a little left of Kelly! Dave is not a Socialist or a Fascist, - he's a full blown Communist. Certainly not a Tea-Tard. Sincerely, Tim & Cindy its-public-health-crisis And from The Plumber: The first epidemic of a waterborne disease probably was caused by an infected caveman relieving himself in waters upstream of his neighbors. Perhaps the entire clan was decimated, or maybe the panicky survivors packed up their gourds and fled from the "evil spirits" inhabiting their camp to some other place. As long as people lived in small groups, isolated from each other, such incidents were sporadic. But as civilization progressed, people began clustering into cities. They shared communal water, handled unwashed food, stepped in excrement from casual discharge or spread as manure, used urine for dyes, bleaches, and even as an antiseptic. As cities became crowded, they also became the nesting places of waterborne, insect-borne, and skin-to-skin infectious diseases that spurted out unchecked and seemingly at will. Typhus was most common, reported Thomas Sydenham, England's first great physician, who lived in the 17th century and studied early history. Next came typhoid and relapsing fever, plague and other pestilential fever, smallpox and dysenteries - the latter a generic class of disease that includes what's known as dysentery, as well as cholera. The ancients had no inkling as to the true cause of their misery. People believed divine retribution caused plagues and epidemics, or else bad air, or conjunction of the planets and stars, any and all of these things.
It is always *AMAZING* to me that Government employees, from the elected, appointed, and laborers always forget that it is the private sector which provides the funds that pays them and provides them with jobs. Today most Government workers are overpaid, overcompensated, and have outrageously high benefit packages - including health care and retirement. Many of these people then retire early and double dip, or flee to tax free States - which is wrong, but that is the Wisconsin Way. What Progressive Wisconsin needs to do is to place a heavy income tax penalty on Government Employees who flee WI for lower or no income tax States. Health care benefits also need to be denied, unless provided in WI by a WI Provider. Government workers who choose to double dip, need to have their retirement pay and benefits ended - until they actually retire! SE WI has become Tax Hell WI, and is being looted by the Politicians for their own profit and gain. The Rule of Law is long dead in SE WI - and I fear any new Unconstitutional Laws; which will be proposed and passed; and the Secret Courts and Government which will uphold them. As for the Foxconn miracle - it has already been downgraded numerous times and is not likely to happen. SE WI taxes are approaching those of Illinois - see: And my commentary wouldn't be complete without sharing my latest Rebel Rousing! Walker was as bad as Evers - only he's a Democrat. I don't play R vs. D games anymore - I'm I. Government Logic = We don't need Farmers, we got Supermarkets. The best I can hope for is that gridlock occurs in WI - so that those whose finances don't rely on taxpayer subsidizes and are simple, can simply live. Evers vs. Vos. Trump vs. Hillary/Obama. Jay Hanson describes it eloquently: Here is a synopsis of the behavioral loop described above: Step 1. Individuals and groups evolved a bias to maximize fitness by maximizing power, which requires over-reproduction and/or over-consumption of natural resources (overshoot), whenever systemic constraints allow it. Differential power generation and accumulation result in a hierarchical group structure. Step 2. Energy is always limited, and overshoot eventually leads to decreasing power available to some members of the group, with lower-ranking members suffering first. Step 3. Diminishing power availability creates divisive subgroups within the original group. Low-rank members will form subgroups and coalitions to demand a greater share of power from higher-ranking individuals, who will resist by forming their own coalitions to maintain power. Step 4. Violent social strife eventually occurs among subgroups who demand a greater share of the remaining power. Step 5. The weakest subgroups (high or low rank) are either forced to disperse to a new territory, are killed, enslaved, or imprisoned. Step 6. Go back to step 1. Enjoy the decline.
Dear City of Racine Alderpersons, According to Milwaukee Business Journal, Racine ranks only second to Milwaukee for the highest Property Tax rates in Tax Hell WI. See: And no doubt.... With Tax Hell Illinois leading the Nation into bankruptcy, no doubt Racine Mayor Cory Mason feels that Racine Residents are prepared to be BLUE FISTED! Ala Illinois Style…. With ever increasing confiscatory property taxes, fees, sales taxes, fines, and forfeitures. Residents of Racine should expect that confiscatory taxes will only continue to increase, along with wealth transfer and redistribution schemes, as prescribed by “Law” in a Lawless Racine County ruled by the whims of Tyrants. Meanwhile the Retail Apocalypse continues to increase, while an economic slowdown is happening. Where are the 13,000 jobs at Mount Pleasant WI Foxconn paying $53,000 (minimum) each at? Still asking questions - and waiting for an Answer. Sincerely, Tim & Cindy
Dear City of Racine Alderpersons, From the most recent Sin City Post: JT reports: Hagedorn declares victory with thin margin in Supreme Court race Wisconsin Appeals Court Judge Brian Hagedorn called his likely victory to the state Supreme Court a “historic” win and said he was confident his slim lead in the race is insurmountable. “We made history in a significant way,” Hagedorn said, referring to winning despite millions spent against him. “Our margin of victory looks to be insurmountable.” The Journal Times reached out on Wednesday to State Rep. Greta Neubauer, D-Racine, who is Lisa Neubauer’s daughter. She referred comments to the video. A watch party was held Tuesday at Red Onion, 555 Main St., in Downtown Racine. But Lisa Neubauer never made a public appearance during the event. ..... As for Racine.... When Greta Neubauer runs again for Public Office, Informed Voters need to be pragmatic and make the choice to vote either FOR Greta’s opponent, or AGAINST Greta. Voting for the Lessor of two evils, or to stop evil, is the pragmatic alternative! Remember that: If you have two opposing forces that are equal – neither can be victorious – and government gridlock is always a *WIN* *WIN* for private sector Citizens. LET NO EVIL BE DONE! As for Racine – it is a lost cause. Just forget about it – nothing will ever change. Enjoy the Decline! The most recent check of Racine Property Assessments, done TODAY – April, 3, 2019, evidences that the *MIRACLE* of a 50% decrease in property tax assessment value since 2013 has *MAGICALLY happened at 3907 Lighthouse Drive and continues to hold steady at the Lake Michigan Lakefront Mansion now owned by the Masons! From $800, 000 to $440,000 in a few short years! ... Yeah, Yeah, Fraternity, Equality and Liberty…… while Looting A City of Ill Repute is the true name of the game! All the usual suspects *WON* in City of Racine, with a Voter turnout which can only be blamed on the failure of RUSD to properly educate young minds full of mush. Because RUSD is actively misleading them. OK! STOP RIGHT THERE! 1. When will the Mason’s property assessment be marked to reality for a Lake Michigan Lakefront Mansion, so that they pay their fair share? 2. When will the definition of “workers” be expanded to include those in the private sector and private Business Owners? 3. When will secret Court and Government proceedings end? 4. When will Government Employees share in the pain that private sector workers have endured since the 1970’s? To include making meaningful contributions towards pensions, health insurance, and experiencing pay cuts? While retirement age is increased to 62 (minimum) or 67? 5. When will *FREE*, no limits to healthcare expenses, be eliminated for certain elected and public employees? 5. When will the parking lots for workers at government buildings be eliminated as government workers are required to Ryde the BUS, taxi, bicycle, walk, or use other forms of alternative transportation? 6. When will Residency rules be established for all public employees and elected officials so that they actually pay their fair share into the Community instead of looting it and fleeing to lower tax Communities? 7. When will punitive taxes be levied on government workers who retire, and then leave their Communities and/or WI and claim tax free status in Tax-Haven States which don’t levy income taxes? Still waiting for an answer..... Sincerely, Tim & Cindy
Dear City or Racine Alderpersons, What are we going to name this one? Greatest RaPISTS of Cory Masons's Ratcine? Racine man allegedly held gun to 15-year-old’s head, raped her on camera RACINE — A Racine man allegedly held a gun to a 15-year-old girl’s head and raped her on camera, according to Racine police. In connection to the February incident, Travis L. Williams Jr., 22, of the 3400 block of Fourth Avenue, faces three counts of second-degree sexual assault of a child under 16 years of age, three counts of possession of child pornography and three counts of sexual exploitation of a child by filming. All are felony counts. According to the criminal complaint: At about 10 p.m. on Feb. 13, a teen gave Williams $20 for a ride to her friend’s house. On the way there, Williams allegedly pulled his van over on Lathrop Avenue near Solbraa Park and held a gun to the girl’s head, telling her, “If you open the door I am going to blow your brains out.” Travis then reportedly forced the girl to have sex with him and took three explicit videos of the encounter on his phone. The girl’s face is visible in one of the videos, and investigators matched her outfit to her description in the other two. During a police investigation into the incident, Williams agreed to a vehicle and cell phone search and consented to a DNA sample. Investigators discovered the videos on Williams’ phone and he claimed the girl told him she was 18. The girl denied ever telling Williams she was 18 and said he knew how old she was.
Controlled opposition is BY FAR more dangerous to a revolutionary movement than any enemy could hope to be.There are other ways the Kosher Nostra operate besides feeding disinformation platitudes to a weak-willed audience. They declare certain topics forbidden and assassinate the character of those who would broach those topics. They use their social and economic privilege to pressure information and financial gatekeepers to silence and pauperize dissidents to their anti-White orthodoxy. They leverage their judicial over-representation to institute an anarcho-tyranny which severely punishes minor infractions committed by White Christians while protecting those who commit major crimes in service to their anti-White agenda.
Enemies rage and threaten, and in so doing gird us for battle.
Controlled oppo (see: lil’ benny shapiro) gently and subversively release the pressure valve on our righteous rage, persuading the more weak-willed among us that kumbaya is still in the cards.
The Boomercuck is already disposed to fall in love with race-blind creedalism of the sort mouthed banally by shapiro, et al. The great mass of cucked normies WANTS TO BELIEVE in those quaint [specially]-weaponized nostrums, so just when you’ve dragged the cuck close to the edge of wokeness, the Kosher Nostra pulls him right back into his comfy cuddle zone.
Kosher Nostra is great term. What the west has gone through over the last 70 odd years is nothing less than history’s largest protection racket writ large. Payments are made in submission to foreign ideologies and threats are made through either the courts or the possible public airing of accusations loaded with terms the normies have been indoctrinated to react to like pavlov’s dogs.The Kosher Nostra is very similar to the Cosa Nostra in how it deals with its enemies and wagon circles when attacked. The only difference between the clannish, criminal groups is level of sophistication; it’s a difference of degree rather than of kind.
(Notice none of the force used is direct)