Saturday, November 26, 2011

Useless Information

Did you know:

French's uses 25 million pounds of onions per year to manufacture their French's Fried Onions.

"3 face prison time in special toilet paper scam"

From the Associated Press:

"WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Talk about a dirty scam.

"Federal prosecutors in Florida say at least three people working for a septic tank company duped customers into buying about $1 million in unnecessary products — in some cases enough toilet paper to last more than 70 years.

"More than a dozen customers were told they needed special toilet paper to avoid ruining their septic tanks because the federal government changed regulations on toilet paper. The federal government does not regulate septic tank products.

"The trio pleaded guilty in federal court to conspiring to commit wire fraud."

The scammers said "the federal government changed regulations on toilet paper." Don't give the feds any ideas. I can already see a TP Tax. Should those who use more toilet paper than others be taxed at the same rate as the others? What about those who use less? And then there's the whole toilet paper economy...

Friday, November 25, 2011

Occupy Racine

The Sheriff has again notified me of a comment on one of my past blogs, but only a month old this time. My blog was about an Occupy Milwaukee rally: In the blog, I asked the question, "Will there be an Occupy Racine?" Earlier today, I received an answer:

"Occupy Racine said...
Occupy Racine is a fledgling group. We are in need of proper organization. We have the social media tapped, the population seems a bit apathetic. Please contact us via Twitter and spread the word. Thank you!

This is their Twitter web page:!/OccupyRacine

I do not necessarily endorse Occupy Racine or any other Occupy movement. The Sheriff wouldn't post this information because the JT Irregulars does not take a political stance. I post the information as a public service only.

As for, "the population seems a bit apathetic," I would say that is a bit of an understatement.

"US bargain-hunting turns violent on Black Friday"

"LOS ANGELES — Shootings, fights and a pepper spray attack marred the Black Friday stampede of bargain hunters that traditionally kicks off the US holiday shopping season after the Thanksgiving holiday.

"In the most sensational incident, a woman pepper-sprayed other shoppers at a Los Angeles area Wal-Mart store to beat out fierce competition for sought-after electronics merchandise during a 'doorbuster' sale.

"The woman, an unidentified Hispanic in her 30s, was 'trying to get advantage over the items being sold on sale,' when she turned a can of mace on the other customers, Los Angeles Police Department Sergeant J. Valle said."

Happy Holidays!

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone! Welcome back to Four for Fridays after a week filled turkeys and touchdowns! Sorry for a late start, had the day off and decide to sleep in a little. Here are some random questions....

1) Anyone brave enough to shop on Black Friday?

2) What do you do to get yourself through a long winter?

3) What do prefer, Christmas or Thanksgiving?

4) Which shoe do you put on first?

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ruby & The Romantics - "Our Day Will Come" (1963)

Why on earth would this song pop into my head? It's not even rock 'n' roll. In searching for it on YouTube, I see that Amy Winehouse also covered the song ( I didn't know that.

How was your Thanksgiving?

I took my mother to my sister's home in the country for Thanksgiving.  My sister's family and in-laws were also there.  It was a nice, low-key affair, at least from my perspective.  There were a few kids running around and that's as stimulating as it got.  It was a good meal with good people.  And the Packers won. That's enough to make me thankful.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"Former S.C. Johnson executive gets prison sentence"

From JSOnline:

"By Gina Barton of the Journal Sentinel

"Nov. 23, 2011 2:52 p.m.

"The former transportation director of S.C. Johnson & Son Inc. was sentenced Wednesday to eight years and one month in prison on federal charges that he defrauded the company out of more than $20 million.

"Milton E. Morris pleaded guilty in 2008 to seven federal crimes. He served as transportation director from 1998 until S.C. Johnson fired him in 2004, according to court records."

The Sheriff notified me that someone commented on a blog I posted about Milton Morris a year and a half ago:  In the blog, I promised to eat my hat on Monument Square if Morris serves any hard time.

The Sheriff also said, "Sorry that your comments were moderated, but we have to do that with all of the older blogs. Otherwise, bots would spam the hell out of the place."

Thank you, missStaking, for reminding me of my promise. I remember it, and wrote it very carefully. Please note that I state I will eat my hat if Morris serves hard time. He hasn't served anything yet. He has just been sentenced. Fortuitously, he was sentenced on the eve of our longest and most charitable holiday season. My, how fortuitously. Let's see, once again, if he makes it inside of a prison.

Remembering someone else's blog 18 months after it was posted demonstrates remarkable recall, or something. My memory is for crap, but I did notice that with the addition of one letter, your username becomes missStalking. What a peculiar coincidence.

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my gorgeous giblets! How are you? The local meteorological prognosticators are in agreement on their forecast for the next few days: some sun and warmer. Huzzah! We’ve had a relatively mild November. I’ve seen some “wintry mix” and some sleet, but no significant s-word yet. Thank you, Mother Nature, for your blessings. Let’s hope they hold through the arctic months ahead. I’ve received a few blasts of wind recently that chilled me to the bone, harbingers of subzero subsisting. Oh my.

Once again our stunning Green Bay Packers have vanquished their adversary, this time the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, raising Green Bay’s win-loss record to 10-0. Little rest for our champions, however, as they are scheduled to meet the Detroit Lions tomorrow, Nov. 24, Thanksgiving Day, at Ford Field, 11:30 AM. Drive the Lions off of their home field, Packers, drive them back to yesterday!

I’ve been giving some thought to s-word lately. I mean, really, my dears, why do we put up with the misery of winter weather in Wisconsin? When people talk about living in Mr. hale-bopp’s neck of the woods, they speak of going from air conditioned car to air conditioned store to air conditioned restaurant to air conditioned home, to air conditioned blah, blah. How does that differ from going to heated car to heated store to heated restaurant to heated home to heated arguments, to blah, blah? I need to find some middle ground where the summers aren’t too hot and the winters aren’t too cold. San Francisco? Too crowded, too expensive. In fact, the competition from other psychics and what-have-yous in California probably make the entire state off limits to me. Any suggestions? Somewhere to retire in my “golden years” (which will soon be worth tin)?

Senor Zanza, Junior, and I will have Thanksgiving dinner at our home tomorrow. I have a small turkey prepared with all the trimmings. The TV will be set to the Packer game. We will pause and say a prayer when the food is served, but then it’s back to the Pack.

Thank you for reading my blog. If you are hosting Thanksgiving at your home, I know how precious your time is right now. I do so appreciate your visit, all of you, each and every atom.

What to do with the leftovers?

Happy Thanksgiving one and all! May you have a joyous holiday and a wonderful weekend. Avoid politics at the feast – it will help with digestion. And don’t forget, my sweets, to work off all of those extra calories at the gym. See you there. Bifurcation!

Open Blog - Wednesday & Thursday

Whatever you eat, don't overindulge. Then you'll have leftovers.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Santa's Chalet

A while back I posted pictures of the Chalet not meeting the "color scheme" of West Racine. I also mentioned there was nothing but junk sitting inside of it.

Well wouldn't ya know Santa is going to show up this year and use the Chalet so I guess I have to eat a little crow. NOT!!!

But here is the schedule for Santa...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Yes I am writing this early. I have to work tomorrow and on Thanksgiving Day. I just wanted to make sure that I posted this for everyone.

This has been a National Holiday since 1863 and it was proclaimed  by President Abraham Lincoln. This was during the Civil War.

The first Thanksgiving was to give thanks to God for guiding them safely to the new world. The Pilgrims and the Native Americans got together for a feast that lasted for three days. Sometimes I think that people forget what this Holiday is all about. It is about giving thanks for everything that we have. To celebrate our thanks with the people we love and to thank God for what we do have.

This is the day to be thankful for everything you have. I am so thankful for being with the most wonderful man in the world, our kids, my granddaughter, my boyfriends granddaughter, our families and friends.

Last year for Thanksgiving we went up north to spend it with my family and my boyfriends family. But this year I have to work on Thanksgiving so we can't make it. My family will be at my sisters house and my boyfriends parents are out of state this year. My two older kids will not be with us this year. It will be my boyfriend, my younger daughter, my boyfriends two kids and his granddaughter.

This is the first year I will not be spending the Holiday with my family. That is alright because I am with my boyfriend. He is the sweetest man and I love him with all of my heart. I will miss being with my family and his family. My older daughter has to work that is why she will not be able to make it. My son is going to be with his dad. I do understand why my older two kids will not make it.

Since I have to work my boyfriend has to get dinner started. This will be the first time he is making a turkey so I am getting some stuff started tomorrow for him. Then I will leave instructions for him what to do. He will be alright and I know it.

I hope everyone has a safe and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Swedish Music of the related kind

I have a terribly talented sister-in-law.. I do like to share music from here so I thought I would share some from her recent concert she had.. I'm always amazed that she can do this, I have known her since she was just a tiny little girl and she has always been a limelight ham.. here she is in a couple of songs..

The first song is about things she is afraid of..

Second song about her struggles to trust..

This song is inspired from a short story that her mother wrote about her mother.. About a cardinal (a bird that my Mother-in-law loved) that my MIL saw the day her mother died of cancer.. I wish I could send a copy of the short story along but I dont have a copy of it.. it's beautiful and the song compliments it so well

There are a few more songs.. if you are interested in any of them she does have a FB page where she has put them up and I think even a youtube channel.. I just really felt like I had to show her off a little..

Open Blog - Monday & Tuesday

For some reason, that makes me think of jedwis.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Slums of Racine

I got the link from comments in the Journal Times online by "enicar333."

Useless Information

Did you know:

Hershey’s Chocolate makes

10 million Heresy Kisses per day?