Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Embrace Me, Love Me, Worship Me

Why? Because it's Embrace Your Geekness Day! And I will out geek anyone. Who else has a cat named Hale-Bopp? A spare space shuttle tile in his house, a spare mirror from the Suzaku X-ray space telescope and a Sloan Digital Sky Survey plug plate? Who gets as upset as Sheldon would over that one hot pixel on the digital projector in theater 13 at his local cineplex? Actually understood the jokes when Stephen Hawking was on the Simpsons? Who spent a month contemplating the physics of smooth (soccer) balls? Who spotted rendering errors in Avatar that bothered him (although at least he didn't see it at the theater with the hot pixel!) Who has befriended his eye doctor and schedules late afternoon appointments so she will let him play with the equipment at the end of the day (she has cool toys!)

Don't be ashamed...embrace your Geekenss!

Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.


kkdither said...

Did you ever think it might not be geekiness, but obsessive/compulsive behavior instead? We love you because of it, not in spite of it! :)

Besides, I think we all have our little "interests" hidden in our closets...

kkdither said...

Hey, I just checked the link. I like that take your webmaster to lunch day. That definitely needs more press!

hale-bopp said...

I am the tech guy for the improv troupe here. We have a projector and do a little pre-show like at the movies. I always put some slides in there that pay homage to some of the lesser known holidays. Can't believe I missed Embrace Your Geekness Day. It should have been in last Friday's show!

The problem is not my OCD behavior...the problem is that I can be OCD and ADD at exactly the same time.

hale-bopp said...

That's okay, it's a day for all geeks!

Beejay said...

And such a loveable and unassuming geek he is!