Friday, August 6, 2010

Are you Ready.........

Are you ready for some football!
It's an Irregular Party!
This the Commish Stu,
Ready to get your League started.
The invite are out,
New players would be nice
All my irregular friends
will feel the Mongrels Bite!

Check your emails everyone that played last year, and if you are new to our site, or didnt play last year and want to play some fantasy football with a bunch of goof balls that just do this for fun (Except KK, she gets fired up!) just comment below. Good luck to all!


OrbsCorbs said...

Resistance is futile! Save time and energy - give the Super Bowl rings to the Orbliterators now.

hale-bopp said...

This is going to be the most Half Ast season ever!

Anonymous said...

I left my bleg on the league page as well.

Can we PLEASE do a live online draft this year? It takes about an hour to do and a manager can not make the draft the server will draft for them. (Preset priorities can be set up in advance).

The Debate Team out.

hale-bopp said...

I know some people like the live draft, but I would probably let the computer take over for me. Maybe Commish Stu could take a pole and see if enough people would show up for a live draft to make it worthwhile.

OrbsCorbs said...

Can a live draft be allowed for those who want it while the software makes picks for those who aren't present? I'd be good with that, as I don't follow football closely enough to make informed choices.

No matter what, resistance to the Orbliterators is futile!

kkdither said...

Byte me, Mongrels! (j/k, you know I luv you guys!) I'm psyched!

I really don't now skeet about live drafts. I am better off if they pick 'em for me and then I trade them off when they prove to be slackers!

Ring, orbs? I thought we won that big wrestling belt buckle! ;>

drewzepmeister said...

This year, there will be no stopping me!!!