Hello, my vivacious violets! How are you? The marvelous weather just keeps on keeping on. The weatherman predicts some heat for Friday. Will that be summer’s last blast? I doubt it. We usually get some hot days in September, too, don’t we? How did it ever get to be the end of August already? Summer just started a couple of weeks ago, didn’t it? Oh my.
Our spectacular Green Bay Packers came back from behind last Friday to defeat the Indianapolis Colts. Huzzah! Huzzah! Next, the Packers meet the Kansas City Chiefs tomorrow (Thursday) night at 7 PM in Lambeau Field. Please, dear Packers, annihilate them. Thank you. I know these are only preseason games and therefore they “don’t count,” but my loyalty and love of our wonderful Packers compels me to cheer them on no matter what the circumstances. Go, Pack, go! Overwhelm your opponents and lay waste to them. Huzzah!
This Friday is a First Friday in beautiful downtown Racine. Make the scene to see and be seen.
http://www.firstfridaysracine.com/ Monday, Labor Day, is Taste of Racine at the Zoo. Lots of delicious eats and treats.
Below is a video from The History Channel on Labor Day. I offer it for educational purposes only. The views expressed are those of The History Channel only, and Zoltar® Industries, Inc., LLC, neither endorses nor opposes them.
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I hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend. For those of you who bend an occasional elbow, don’t forget that the police have stepped up patrols for drunk drivers through Labor Day. Do the right thing, don’t drink and drive. Everyone else, please watch out for those who do. Eleutheromania!