Hello, my New Year babes! How are you? It’s been nippy the last few days, but there’s still no significant amount of snow on the ground. Hip Hip Hooray! Unfortunately, no snow cover in winter is bad for wildlife and the landscape. So, I suppose, we should hope for some snow, right? Oh dear, was that me just making the case for snow? Perhaps the hangover from New Year’s Eve hasn’t worn off completely yet.
Of course, you know that our gallant Green Bay Packers defeated the Detroit Lions this past Sunday. And Mr. Matt Flynn did some remarkable things while Mr. Aaron Rodgers rested on the sideline. Huzzah, huzzah, we are rich with talent. Our extraordinary Packers have won themselves a bye this weekend, so the game to watch is Saturday night’s match up between the Lions and the New Orleans Saints. The winner of that game will meet our green & gold on January 15 for the divisional title. I don’t care who wins, because the poor fellows will have to meet our monsters of the midway the following week. You call that winning?
I know this is the time of year when many people make predictions about the year to come, but I usually refrain from such things. Pay as you go, pay for what you want to know. In any case, I’m particularly glad that I’m not involved in any of that 2012 nonsense. I happen to know for a fact that the world does not come to an end this year. That’s next year. Tee-hee! Of course, I’m fooling. It’s the year after that. No, stop me. I can’t help myself.
I don’t dabble in mass predictions because humans really can’t handle the truth. We are better off not knowing the future of the universe. For those so gifted, however, we should also take advantage of our innate psychic abilities to help others on a personal and economic level. Thus I offer my services to the world. Discounts may apply and you know I will always help a fellow Irregular free of charge. Rates vary for others. Contact me for estimates:
madamezoltar@jtirregulars.com. Contact me within the next 30 minutes and I’ll throw in a free personal reading.
Thank you so much for reading my blog, dears. You have no idea how much I prize our friendship. I cherish every moment you spend here. Time makes our relationship better, like fine wine.
Dress for the weather my friends. There’s not too many slippery spots out there now, but when they appear, be careful. None of us wants to take a tumble. The hospital doesn’t always have spare parts for irregulars. Septilateral!