Friday, January 27, 2012
Rémi Gaillard - "Radar"
I've posted videos from Rémi Gaillard here before:
I like his twisted, almost anarchistic, sense of humor.
Four for Fridays
1) What celebrity do you feel has been overexposed?
2) If you where a celebrity, how much exposure would you give yourself?
3) If you were an actor/actress what role would you like to play?
4) What do you think of the paparazzi?
Enjoy your weekend!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
"QUIZ: How well do you know Racine's history?"
From the, a quiz on historical facts about Racine:
I started out great and got three right, then got the next four wrong. :-(
Didn't Meatloaf sing, "Three out of seven ain't bad"?
"Fox 6 News-Bye-Bye Street Lights" has a video of last night's TV 6 spot on the removal of streetlights in Racine:
I worry that one big snowstorm, like last year's, will paralyze most of Racine for a week because of cutbacks in snowplowing.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
A Close Encounter Between Venus and the Moon
Venus and the Moon are engaging in their dance the next few months in the evening sky. Tonight the crescent Moon was well below Venus.
Tomorrow night the Moon will be below Venus and Thursday night it will be just above Venus giving two more excellent opportunities to see this nice pairing in the night sky.
But that's not all. Venus is nice and far away from the Sun right now which and the Moon provides a useful guide to help see Venus during the day. I recommend using a program like Stellarium to help you out. Set it up for your location and time of observation. Be sure the Moon and Venus are up in the sky during the day. Note the position of Venus relative to the Moon. Now you are ready to track down Venus in broad daylight.
Find the Moon and slowly scan away from the Moon toward where Venus should be located according to Stellarium. You really have to look directly at Venus to see it during the day. That is, the image of Venus must land on the fovea of your eye. The fovea is the small spot in the center of your retina where the cones are most closely spaced and your vision is most acute. Once you hit that spot, Venus will pop into view so prominently you will wonder how you missed it before.
It takes some practice. Be sure your eyes are focused at infinity (focus on the Moon before you scan will do the trick). It also helps if you stand so the Sun is hidden Sun behind a tree or building to cut down on glare.
Many people wait until close to sunset to try this, but I have seen Venus practically any time it is up, even in the middle of the day. A good strategy might be to try it near sunset on Wednesday night and if you are successful, try it during the day on Thursday.
Happy observing!
Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.
Dear Madame Zoltar
As I duly noted last week, the season is over for our hapless Green Bay Packers. These words are just an echo of that catastrophe.
I’m sorry, my dears, but my winter funk persists. I don’t think it’s just the weather. It’s the constant bombardment of bad news from around the world that does it. When it’s nice outside, I can get away from the litany of the negative for awhile. As the weather worsens, I stay inside more. I can astral project to escape, but that takes an extraordinary amount of energy. It’s not for daily use. One of the things that has helped me is searching for the positive on the internet. For instance, I went to YouTube and typed in “happy” into their search engine. Below is one of the videos that came up.
I will admit that watching Mick wiggle his tight buns still makes me happy. You’ve still got it, baby! You and that magic tongue of yours.
Oh my, did I say that? I meant to say that I love all of my readers and I thank you for reading my blog this week. Without you, I would be nothing, like a figment of someone’s imagination. My visits with you are the high point of my week. You are my family.
Skeletons in the family closet? Contact:
Watch out for the changeable weather, my dears. Sunny, dry, cloudy, rainy, snowy, sometimes all in one day. Keep your hat on and your zippers zipped. You never know what the day is going to throw at you. That’s my job. Kia ora!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
"Lee gets OK to emerge from bankruptcy January 30"
Lee Enterprises Inc., of course, is the owner of the Journal Times. I didn't know that their stock was so low. Even as it is, I might be able to buy 5 or 10 of them. How do I do that? I've never owned stock before. I just want to be able to write letters to the editor complaining about various crap while harrumphing that I own stock in the company. "I am your boss," I may say. Or how about, "I own part of your ass,"?
Winter Forming On The Lake!
Then on Sunday I had a short day at work. So Drew had an idea to go out and do something since I was feeling better. I gave him the idea to go and drive around and go to the thrift stores. Yes we did do both things.
The first place we went was by Lake Michigan. The picture you see here is a few blocks away from our place. You can see how the ice is starting to form by the shores. You can also see how the waves are coming in from the winds yesterday.
I just couldn't believe how the ice was forming downtown already. There was ice up on all the rocks along the lake. Yesterday with the winds the waves came up on the rocks.
We also seen some Seagulls trying to fly into the wind. But they couldn't get anywhere. We tried to get a picture of that but when we would go to snap the picture they went down below the rocks.
Yes we did make it to the thrift stores and he found some more to add to his music collection. I found some books for my daughter and work pants for him and I.
It was just nice getting out of the house even with it being windy and cold outside. I do enjoy just going out for a drive and looking around. I don't like the cold but as long as it is nice and warm in the car I will go. I hope everyone enjoyed there weekend I did at least on Sunday.
Possible Aurora Tonight
The most common colors of aurora are green (electrons recombining with oxygen) and red (nitrogen). Other colors can be seen occasionally from different energy level transitions.
Don't give up just because you live in Racine. I saw them from Aurora, Illinois (no, really, that is the name of the city where I lived! Look it up!) just outside Chicago so a big storm can punch through and this is a pretty good storm. Of course, aurora are finicky so no guarantees! I am not anticipating anything in Arizona!
Here is one of my aurora pics from Acadia National Park last September just to get you primed.

UPDATE: The most recent forecast is for aurora low on the horizon from Chicago so you got a chance. See the aurora forecast for updates.
Texting Codes for Seniors
The kids have all their texting codes, like
BFF (best friends forever)
LOL (laughing out loud)
So why not some codes for seniors (60 and over):
ATD - At the Doctor's
BFF - Best Friends Funeral
BTW - Bring the Wheelchair
BYOT - Bring Your Own Teeth
CBM - Covered by Medicare
CUATSC - See You at the Senior Center
DTAF - Don't Trust A Fart
FWIW - Forgot Where I Was
FYI - Found Your Insulin
GGLKI - Gotta Go, Laxative Kicking in!
GGPBL - Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low
GHA - Got Heartburn Again
HGBM - Had Good Bowel Movement
IMHO - Is My Hearing-Aid On?
LMDO - Laughing My Dentures Out
LOL - Living on Lipitor
OMSG - Oh My! Sorry, Gas
ROFLCGU - Rolling on the Floor Laughing. Can't get Up!
WAITT - Who Am I Talking To?
WTFA - Wet the Furniture Again
WTP - Where're the Prunes?
WWNO - Walker Wheels Need Oil
Monday, January 23, 2012
Useless Informaation

Did you know:
If your city hostss the Winter Games, it is like hosting 3 Superbowls per day for 17 days straight.