Saturday, November 24, 2012

I'm Grateful for the Education I Received

I was educated in the Catholic school system of the 1950’s and 60’s, first grade through high school. I don’t think of it that often, but now that I do, they taught me readin,’ writin,’ and ‘rithmetic pretty damn ‘good’.  When it came time for college, I didn’t have any foreign language requirement because I had four years at St. Catherine’s.  I tested into first year college calculus, and my English skills allowed me to start wherever I wanted. 

My point here is not that I was such a smarty pants.  I was quite the opposite.  I was a wiseass who was already getting drunk regularly.  I took school only half-seriously, but still, somehow, those nuns pounded some knowledge into me. 

And, yes, it’s true, school today is nothing like it was back then.  Most of us feared the nuns’ wrath - at least, until high school.  Even though we did our share of horsing around, it was more civil back then.  A dreaded meeting with the principal, or, even worse, the monsignor, was enough to keep most of us in check. 

All of this comes to mind why?  I haven’t the faintest idea.  I rarely think about my Catholic education, and when I do, it’s usually in the negative.  In AA, November is gratitude month.  I guess I just wanted to give thanks for all the good things I learned during that time.  It still sticks with me.  I still hunger for knowledge.  I ♥ school.  If someone would pay, I’d go for a PhD.  Then I’d want to teach in a school. 

So, thanks, sisters, and occasional fathers, for the basic tools that you gave me.  I’ve taken them for granted for decades, but they’ve served remarkably well. 

Now, if only you had not included all that “other” stuff, but that’s another blog…         

Friday, November 23, 2012

"Shop Local on Small Business Saturday"

From Caledonia Patch:

"Big name national retailers take the spotlight on Black Friday as their deep price cuts pull in shoppers in droves.

"What about those mom-and-pop businesses all over the Racine-area and beyond that are the backbone of America’s economy? Just when do they get their day?

"That’s basically the question that was asked back in 2010 when the concept of Small Business Saturday was born."

Read more:

I irregularly patronize Top Dog Hot Dogs and Kewpee's, both locally owned and operated.

Four for Fridays

Hello everybody! Welcome back! Sorry a little late....Wanted to to stay cozy and warm in bed on my day off. You know how it is.... Anyways, here are some questions for you.....

1) When was the last time you did volunteer work?

2) What is the most played song in your music library?

3) What exotic pet would you like to have?

4) What do you have that is of great value to you but of no value to anyone else?

Enjoy your weekend!

Open Blog - Black Friday

Who can get up and move after all that turkey?

Walden III

My school. First year grad. "RACINE — Walden middle and high school students donated 254 boxes of food and $6,484.42 to the Racine County Food Bank on Wednesday." -- Racine Journal Times Case, Park and Horlick have ALL had larger graduating classes than the entire Walden III student body, yet Walden out shines them like a Nova.

Holy crap! Did i just read.... on Yahoo news??

Sometimes you run across something so bizarre you have to reread it to make sure your mind didn't melt and you read something other than what was the news. I did read it. Designer vagina surgery and lack of information for smart choices. Say WHAT???? Implanting bags of silicone isn't enough, now women are questing for the perfect vagina too. Gosh, are women that insecure? "Here Honey, Happy Birthday!"

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Life on Mars!

Well, the big news can't be anything else. Mary Eksmas isn't going to be real happy if there is even more doubt concerning her boy YaHoo. Going to be real interesting when the news finally breaks. Not even Nostradamus could have guess this one.

Comedians on EBay

How much do you love your Twinkies?


Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my gorgeous giblets!  How are you?  Gobble, gobble.  Are you ready for the big feast tomorrow?  Turkey and football and homemade pie.  Yum!  If you’re hosting the feast, I like the attitude in Ms. Why Not’s video blog, “Just Put the F*cking Turkey in the Oven,” Instead of freaking out and fussing and mussing over the meal, just give it a shot and, most importantly, enjoy yourself.  I think all that wine may help with the enjoyment, too.     

Our astounding Green Bay Packers once again scored a victory over the weekend.  It was a nail biter, but the Green and Gold finally overcame the Detroit Lions.  Let there be much cheering and rejoicing.  This Sunday, November 25, the Packers are scheduled to crush the New York Giants, starting at 7:20 PM, in MetLife Stadium.  The awesome, the audacious, the Packers! Rah! Rah! Rah! Cut the Giants down to size.

Some major road construction projects in Racine wound down this week and last.  7th Street and the City Hall roundabout opened last week.  Douglas Avenue opened just the other day. Hooray!  Just in time for winter.  Sorry for the sarcasm, but it is difficult to put up with these long projects.  And just think of the poor people who used 4 Mile Road regularly.  How long has it been since that’s closed?  At best, it won’t open until next year. Oh my.

There’s something I have to get off of my chest.  Mr. Mayor Dickert recently called upon nonprofit organizations in Racine to pay their “fair share;” that is, donate money to the city because Mr. Mayor has misspent enormous amounts of our tax dollars.  Wisely, I thought, no nonprofits responded to this con.  However, now it comes out that the Olympia Brown Unitarian Universalist Church donated $1,500.  That is so discouraging.  There is absolutely no way that a religion or religious organization should be allowed to donate to a city.  The Constitutional conflicts aside, it makes the city look cheap when Mr. Mayor begs for funds.  I do not want any religion affecting my local government in any way.  Why does Mr. Mayor think he is above our Constitution?  Why do the Unitarian Universalists think they are?  The entire affair is shameful and reeks of Mr. Mayor’s propensity to lie and scam.  Why doesn’t Mr. Mayor pay his own legal bills?  How dare he enter into a settlement that includes a secret agreement using taxpayers’ money?  Bah!

Well, tomorrow is the day to give thanks, so I don’t want to dwell on the negative.  I am extremely grateful for being a citizen of the United States and I’m thankful for all who served in our military.  I’m grateful for the JT Irregulars, who are my friends.  I’m also blessed with my son, Junior, and my special friend, SeƱor Zanza. I am overwhelmed with love and joy.  Thank you.

And thank you for reading my blog.  That is a wonderful gift, the gift of your attention.  Please stop by anytime to peruse and/or participate.  We’ll have a party.

Need holiday gift ideas?  Ask Madame Zoltar:

Enjoy all of Thanksgiving, my friends.  Personally, I’ll do without Black Friday sales and shopping, but to each his or her own.  Remember, whatever you don’t eat on Thanksgiving will become a leftover you have to eat later.  Bon appetit!

"Supreme Court Will Review Curt Johnson Child Sex Assault Case"

From Mount Pleasant Patch:

"After waiting it out for a few months, it appears as though the state's highest court will review a portion of the Curt Johnson child sex assault case."

Read more:

I cannot reasonably discuss this matter.  Can you?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Just Put the F#cking Turkey in the Oven

Ok, well I thought Thanksgiving was next week, I found out today that it was this Thursday.. yeah yeah, so we'll be over a week late having our Thanksgiving dinner, it's not like we get the day off over here.. Anyways I saw this on Facebook, I found it to be very sound advice.. So for all of you over there that will be making your Thanksgiving dinners, take a look at the video to get some advice..

Monday, November 19, 2012

"Patch Meetup: Come Hang Out And Get Some Free Goodies"

From Caledonia Patch:

"I think it's time for a Patch meet-up!

"You've hung out with family, now come hang out with me, Patch editor Denise Lockwood, at 7 p.m. Saturday night at the Mosquito Inn. Meet other Patch readers, submit some story ideas, and of course we'll play a little trivia -- Patch trivia that is.

"I'll come up with a few Patch trivia questions ripped from the headlines of Patch stories and if you win, I'll be handing out some sweet Patch swag -- water bottles, pens, magnets, a few t-shirts and magnets."

Read more:

Another local, online group getting together. That's good. Are any Irregulars going to attend this meet and cross-pollinate?

"Swedish Colleges: The Best Education On Earth"

Now I know why Why Not moved to Sweden. That looks like an ordinary day in the dorm to me.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

"How to look your best the morning after"

That's so sad. And it happens so often. Some people are "hooked" on abusers and will go back to an abuser, or seek a new one, over and over. I empathize. I seem to be hard wired for self-destruction.

Useless Information

Did you know:
In 1834 Captain Gilbert Knapp founded the settlement of Port Gilbert at the place where the Root River empties into Lake Michigan.
Known today as Racine, Wisconsin!