Hello, my winter warriors! How are you? Snow, freeze, ice, thaw, snow, freeze, ice thaw. That’s the pattern that we’re locked into. How do we open the lock? Persevere, my dear Irregulars, persevere winter’s wrath. Though this winter fights tenaciously to keep its icy grip on our land, we know that the calendar, the sun, and the planet are on our side. Mr. Hale-bopp could explain it: it is inevitable. We’re going to warm up and nature is set to burst forth from the soil and trees once more. To paraphrase, “Damn the icicles, full speed ahead!”
Madame Zoltar® Editorial Comment: I am deeply saddened by the strife which has gripped our state capitol and much of our nation. I am putting forth as much positive energy as I can possibly muster. I think about how US citizen is pitted against US citizen in this bitter battle. I worry for my people and my country.
With crappy weather and crappy news, it’s not hard to get into a crappy mood. My solution? Get drunk! Oh my, no, tee-hee, I was joking. I’ve done it before here, and I’ll do it again: there’s nothing like an old cartoon or two to put you into a better mood. (For severe cases of depression, I recommend Marx Brothers movies.) Here are a couple of Donald Duck cartoons. The first is “Winter Storage.”
Next is “Donald’s Snow Fight.”
I know that those didn’t solve our problems, my dears, but that’s the best I can do online. Of course, I do offer a wide variety of elixirs and mood enhancers, as well as personal consultations, for those who can afford them. To learn more, or to learn what “they” don’t want you to know, contact me at
Thank you so much for reading my blog today. I love each and every one of you. The time we spend together is special. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Don’t forget to persevere, my dear Irregulars. One day at a time, we’ll get through winter. One day at a time, we can get through anything. Wapentake!