Hello, my gorgeous giblets! How are you? The local meteorological prognosticators are in agreement on their forecast for the next few days: some sun and warmer. Huzzah! We’ve had a relatively mild November. I’ve seen some “wintry mix” and some sleet, but no significant s-word yet. Thank you, Mother Nature, for your blessings. Let’s hope they hold through the arctic months ahead. I’ve received a few blasts of wind recently that chilled me to the bone, harbingers of subzero subsisting. Oh my.
Once again our stunning Green Bay Packers have vanquished their adversary, this time the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, raising Green Bay’s win-loss record to 10-0. Little rest for our champions, however, as they are scheduled to meet the Detroit Lions tomorrow, Nov. 24, Thanksgiving Day, at Ford Field, 11:30 AM. Drive the Lions off of their home field, Packers, drive them back to yesterday!
I’ve been giving some thought to s-word lately. I mean, really, my dears, why do we put up with the misery of winter weather in Wisconsin? When people talk about living in Mr. hale-bopp’s neck of the woods, they speak of going from air conditioned car to air conditioned store to air conditioned restaurant to air conditioned home, to air conditioned blah, blah. How does that differ from going to heated car to heated store to heated restaurant to heated home to heated arguments, to blah, blah? I need to find some middle ground where the summers aren’t too hot and the winters aren’t too cold. San Francisco? Too crowded, too expensive. In fact, the competition from other psychics and what-have-yous in California probably make the entire state off limits to me. Any suggestions? Somewhere to retire in my “golden years” (which will soon be worth tin)?
Senor Zanza, Junior, and I will have Thanksgiving dinner at our home tomorrow. I have a small turkey prepared with all the trimmings. The TV will be set to the Packer game. We will pause and say a prayer when the food is served, but then it’s back to the Pack.
Thank you for reading my blog. If you are hosting Thanksgiving at your home, I know how precious your time is right now. I do so appreciate your visit, all of you, each and every atom.
What to do with the leftovers?
Happy Thanksgiving one and all! May you have a joyous holiday and a wonderful weekend. Avoid politics at the feast – it will help with digestion. And don’t forget, my sweets, to work off all of those extra calories at the gym. See you there. Bifurcation!