Saturday, May 30, 2015
"Living with Tourette Syndrome"
I think you'd have to be very brave to live your life with Tourette Syndrome.
Friday, May 29, 2015
"Commercial Jingle Counterpoint"
"Remember those product jingles you could never get out of your head? I've woven together 25 of the most famous tunes here" -
"AXYZM | Movement Designers"
I don't know what it means, but I like it.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
"KUNG FURY Official Movie [HD]"
Published on May 28, 2015
SWEDEN - watch on"Kung Fury is an over-the-top 80’s action comedy that was crowd funded through Kickstarter. It features Kung Fury, a Kung Fu renegade cop who travels back in time to kill his Nemesis, Hitler. The film features nazis, dinosaurs, vikings and cheesy one-liners.
"The campaign that was launched in December 2013 was backed by more than 17 000 people who together gave more than $630 000"
Read more:
This short film (30 min.) has more action and satire than films four times its length. I give it four stars.
"Police, minority relations discussion at forum Saturday"
From The Journal
May 27, 2015 5:04 pm • Journal Times staff
community forum being held Saturday by the League of United Latin
American Citizens of Wisconsin will include a panel workshop aimed at
improving relations between minorities and law enforcement.
"Called 'Police and Minority Community Relations,' the panel discussion will take place from 9 to 10 a.m. Saturday at the Milwaukee Area Technical College Oak Creek Campus, 6665 S. Howell Ave., Oak Creek.
"The goal of the workshop, explained facilitator Yolanda Adams of the Urban League of Racine & Kenosha in an email, is to collectively arrive at solutions to improve relations and build trust between community members and law enforcement.
"Panelists will include longtime Racine activist Morris Reece, Denice Nelson, and Theonita Cox. The event is free and open to the public.
"Other topics being discussed during the forum, which runs from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., include education, health and immigration."
Not exactly convenient for the inner city populations of Racine or Kenosha to attend.
"Called 'Police and Minority Community Relations,' the panel discussion will take place from 9 to 10 a.m. Saturday at the Milwaukee Area Technical College Oak Creek Campus, 6665 S. Howell Ave., Oak Creek.
"The goal of the workshop, explained facilitator Yolanda Adams of the Urban League of Racine & Kenosha in an email, is to collectively arrive at solutions to improve relations and build trust between community members and law enforcement.
"Panelists will include longtime Racine activist Morris Reece, Denice Nelson, and Theonita Cox. The event is free and open to the public.
"Other topics being discussed during the forum, which runs from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., include education, health and immigration."
Not exactly convenient for the inner city populations of Racine or Kenosha to attend.
"Scalevo - The Stairclimbing Wheelchair"
"Spectacular Illuminated Building Light Show"
From Live Leak:
"Footage taken from the Vivid Light Festival held in Sydney Australia"
"[Video Credit : Michael Zee - Travel /]"
"[Video Credit : Michael Zee - Travel /]"
"The Luft-wafer: Ice cream cone named after Adolf Hitler on sale in India sparks anger in Germany"
From The Daily
"German newspaper Bild labelled the ice cream cones a ‘macabre publicity stunt’, while several Twitter users branded them ‘tasteless!’"
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Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
- Germans are outraged by treat named after Adolf Hitler
- Lack of Holocaust education in the country means the snack isn't shocking
- The ice cream cones are readily-available across India
- German newspaper Bild labelled the cones a macabre publicity stunt
09:27 EST, 26 May 2015
06:46 EST, 27 May 2015
"Even for the most dedicated of ice cream lovers this sweet treat may prove a little hard to swallow. Unbelievably a brand of ice cream cone is readily available in India which is named after Hitler. It’s
difficult to fathom what the Nazi leader may have in common with the
crunchy snack, but Hitler’s name is splashed across boxes of the
tasteless delicacy which is hawked across the country.
"Meanwhile the cold eyes of the killer stare out at ice cream customers from the side of the packaging.
some instances he appears in cartoon form in a Swastika-shaped top hat
with a jaunty red bowtie, which is somewhat at odds with his furious
more sombre packages depict him in full military regalia with almost
photographic realism, looking very out of place next to an ice cream
that's almost as big as he is.
"But all the boxes of cones have the notorious moustache on display.
"A lack of Holocaust education in India means that people on the
sub-continent know little about the Nazi leader, and consequently
Hitler-themed pubs and restaurants are not viewed with outrage.
"But back in the country that struggles to shake off his murderous legacy 70 years after his death, it is a different story.
"News of the Hitler ice cream cones provoked a furious response on websites calling for the brand to be withdrawn.
"One spectator in Berlin, said: ‘There is taste and there is tastelessness. The people of India should be made aware of the terrible crimes committed by him.’
"One spectator in Berlin, said: ‘There is taste and there is tastelessness. The people of India should be made aware of the terrible crimes committed by him.’
"German newspaper Bild labelled the ice cream cones a ‘macabre publicity stunt’, while several Twitter users branded them ‘tasteless!’"
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Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
So everyone thought Hitler escaped to Argentina, when all along he'd been making and hawking ice cream in India.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
It's Sad, But As I Get Older, I Think Differently
After a long day on the golf course, I stopped in at Hooter's to see some friends and have some hot Wings and ice tea.
After being there for a while, one of my friends asked me which waitress I would like to be stuck in an elevator with.
I told them "The one who knows how to fix elevators". I'm old, I'm tired, and I pee a lot
"Mayor proposes 30 percent salary hike for Friedel"
"RACINE – City Administrator Tom Friedel would see his pay increase by 30 percent over two years under a contract extension proposed by Mayor John Dickert and Deputy City Attorney Scott Letteney
"Under the proposal, Friedel’s current annual salary of $99,237 would climb to $115,000 on July 13, 2015, and then to $130,000 on July 13, 2016.
"Making the pitch for the increase before the Finance and Personnel Committee on Tuesday, Letteney said Dickert said the reason for the request was two-fold: to put Friedel’s salary in line with city administrators in similar communities and to make the salary for the position competitive."
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As of this posting, there were 48 comments posted on the Journal Times story, all but one against the raise. I hope they all voted and voted against Dickert. It doesn't matter, though, because this is a done deal. At a time when we're repeatedly told that the city is broke, this spits in the face of those who lost streetlights or other services.
Friedel's already getting $100K per year and a city car. This is horseshit, but Racine will eat it.
Dear Madame Zoltar
Hello, my sweet peas and sour pusses! How are you?
Did you have a good Memorial Day weekend? Memorial Day started out wet, but ended up a
glorious day. I read that we hit 80
degrees that day. We (Señor Zanza,
Junior, and me) spent the afternoon grilling out and hanging out in the
We have a regular old charcoal grill. Junior, of course, wanted to set aflame the
briquettes in the grill. First, though, Señor
Zanza had to tediously arrange every last briquette. (I kept thinking, “They’re going to be ashes
in an hour,” but I kept my mouth shut.)
Junior then soaked and soaked and soaked and soaked the briquettes with
lighter fluid. Then he went around one
more time just to be sure. He threw a
lit book of matches into the grill. I
believe that the resulting fireball was visible in Milwaukee
and set off nearby earthquake detectors.
That’s my boy.
I can hardly wait for his summer vacation. I haven’t told Junior yet, but I got him a
summer job with a local lawn care company.
When times are tough, everyone has to kick in. Señor Zanza, of course, always has all the
money he needs. Where and how he got the
money is his business.
Of course, my judgment might be colored by the fact that Señor
Zanza insists upon paying half of all our monthly bills, plus rent. Do you know how much a teenage boy eats? Señor
Zanza pays for half of that and the teenager is not a blood relative. The Señor has brought nothing but goodness
into our household. So, I don’t care
where he gets the money. In fact, I don’t
want to know. The less I know, the less
guilty I’ll appear if something is amiss.
I must say this: Señor Zanza has never brought anyone to
visit our home. He says that’s for our
protection. When I push him on it, he says he wants our home and us to remain
safe from certain elements. That’s as
far as it ever gets. He’ll say no more.
I must admit that I do feel “safe” in his presence, yet this
old gal can hold her own against the best.
Señor Zanza and I have a complicated relationship, but he appears to be
a good role model for Junior. As longs
at that continues and he causes no trouble for us, I like having him
around. Sometimes, I like it a lot.
Following this blog (up above) will be a poll concerning me
and my blog. Please pause for a moment
to take it.
Hey, here’s a video featuring “Animal sound Man:”
What a riot at parties and funerals.
Thank you all, my dears, for reading my blog today. I love visitors and I love you. Let’s take care of each other.
Who knows what no one else knows?
Enjoy the warming weather, my loves, even if you have to
dodge a rain drop or two. [That
statement is not valid in the southwest region of the United
States of America.] Floods, storms, tornadoes and wind have
marked this spring. Let’s hope summer is
a little better.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Know-It-All Woman Confronts Border Patrol Officers, Gets Tasered And Han...
Some potty talk involved especially after she gets tasered.
Open Blog - Tuesday
That's because of the three-day weekend. By the time your internal clock adjusts, it'll be Friday again.
Monday, May 25, 2015
" Police: Man Tries To Hide Drugs in His Butt"
"New Mental Health App Helps Individuals, Family Find Support"

By Heather Asiyanbi in Community · May 25, 2015
"Individuals suffering from mental illness and their family members now have an app to find support through an online social media community from the National Alliance on Mental Illness.
"AIR (Anonymous, Inspiring, Relatable) is available through both the Apple and Android app stores, and it’s designed for both those living with mental illness and the loved ones of those individuals.
“'NAMI AIR is intended to provide another way for people to find and give support, to connect with others through smart phone and computer tablet,' the NAMI website reads.
"After downloading the app, users choose with which group they’d like to communicate, but they can toggle between the two. Stories applicable to the chosen group – individual or family member – will appear in the AIR news feed, and users can offer support through likes, hugs, and 'me, too' messages, among other interactions."
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I gotta get that tablet working.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Another Weekend Funny
"The Fieldbrook stump – Humboldt County, California"
From Knuckledraggin My Life Away:
"It would have been the biggest tree alive today had it not been so ignominiously felled in 1890 – reputedly to satisfy a drunken bet about making a table big enough to seat 40 guests from a single slice of tree-trunk.
"And in case you wonder how they were felled:"
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"It would have been the biggest tree alive today had it not been so ignominiously felled in 1890 – reputedly to satisfy a drunken bet about making a table big enough to seat 40 guests from a single slice of tree-trunk.
"And in case you wonder how they were felled:"
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