Saturday, August 22, 2020

Milwaukee and Kenosha have family drug treatment courts. Why doesn’t Racine County?

From The Journal

Adam Rogan

RACINE COUNTY — Milwaukee and Kenosha counties both have drug treatment courts focused directly on families. Racine County doesn’t.
But the local group Alcohol and Drug Abuse Management, which helped set up Racine’s Alcohol and Drug Treatment Court almost 20 years ago, is now planning to push for setting up a Family Drug Treatment Court within the Racine County Circuit Court.
“We already have a foundation for this type of court,” Claudia Van Koningsveld, director of the Women of Worth program based at Ascension All Saints Hospital, said during a virtual ADAM meeting Friday morning, referring to the already established Drug Treatment Court and the Veterans Treatment Court.

Tamerin Hayward, Racine Interfaith Coalition co-president
“Over a decade ago, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Management and Racine Interfaith Coalition worked to establish our Racine County Drug and Alcohol Court and more recently worked to expand its scope. It has been successful in helping individuals with addictions to avoid criminal records and incarcerations leaving them at home to support families and able to get jobs without the hindrance of a felony record,” Tamerin Hayward, RIC co-President and ADAM member, wrote in a commentary to The Journal Times.

This is just a money grab.  The fact of the matter is that "treatment" works in 3-5% of cases.  I got that figure from a retiring AODA counsellor.  "Treatment" asks its clients if they're staying sober.  Gee, guess what their answers are.  All lies, all of the time.

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