Friday, December 3, 2010

The Legend of the Mistletoe

This stuff comes with a warning tag! (Well, sorta)

'Legend of the Mistletoe

Kissing under the Mistletoe is an old European tradition. It is believed that the Mistletoe holds magical powers from the 'Soul' of the mighty Oak tree. It grants strength, peace, health, fertility and love to those who kiss beneath it.'

I was fine with the strength, peace, health and love, but that fertility thing gave me the heebee geebees. That would indeed be 'magical!'

Have a great weekend, everyone.


OrbsCorbs said...

Do you have to kiss someone else in order to get the strength, peace, health, fertility and love, or does it work if you just kiss yourself?

SER said...

Do plastic mistletoe work the same way?

kkdither said...

Plastic has always worked for me, SER! I guess the results would depend on the quality of kiss you receive? ;>

OrbsCorbs said...

Toad! Hi! Sneezin's greetings!

kkdither said...

Hey there Toad! Glad you found your way back in! :)

Beejay said...

Hi, Toad!

I'll let you know, SER...mine is very pretty...crystal with could climb my oak tree and get the real stuff, but I'm not into broken limbs (mine!)