Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my post-valentine valedictorians! How are you? How about that freezing weather last week? You’d think it was February. Actually, I kind of enjoyed our dips into the single digits for the extra blanket on the bed and sounder sleep. No thank you, however, to waking up to a cold house with cold floors. And a cold, er, throne. Oh my.

I try to keep my weekly blog “P & P,” as Mr. jedwis would say. Positive & Productive. I try. But when I scan the weekly news, it seems there is little P & P out there anymore.

I see that our Mr. Mayor John Dickert went to Paris recently: That is so romantic. I would love to go to Paris. (Hint, hint, Señor Zanza.) Perhaps we can sell the French bottled Racine water. We have “The Best Tasting City Water in America”: Racine is French for “root,” right? Call it. “Eau de la Rivière Racine.” There, I just made a million dollars for the city and I didn’t even have to leave Racine.

On the state level, we see . . . oh, never mind.

Nationally, uh, . . . forget it.

Internationally, well, that leaves me ill, too…

Here, here is what I have for you, my dear Irregulars. Madame Zoltar will always love you:

Thank you so much for stopping by. My readers are my raison d'être. Oh dear, Ms. kk will be correcting my French, I’m sure. I don’t have her savoir-faire.

Stay in Racine or join the French Foreign Legion? Ask Madame Zoltar:

Be careful out there, my dear Irregulars. Although I always watch over you, sometimes I get bonked on the head, and things get a little mixed up. Expect the best, but prepare for the worst. What am I even saying? I’m tired and fading fast, my French fries. Fremescent!


kkdither said...

Mais non, madame ... votre Français est magnifique! Je vous aime beaucoup!

jedwis said...

Mme Z...I ditto what KK said, I think. Anyway, being an SCJ product, is Fremescent available over-the-counter? To bad about the cold throne, I should engineer a nice heated one for you.