Thursday, December 5, 2013

How Do You Tell When the United States is Pissed at Your Country?

When you look up and see a Tomahawk Cruise Missile fly overhead.

A Tomahawk can be launched 2,500 kilometers (1,553 miles) from its target.

It has surgical strike capabilities meaning it will hit its target and be accurate within 1 meter (39 inches) delivering 1,000lbs of explosives or nuclear warheads.

All this technology for the mirror price of $1 million dollars apiece!


Anonymous said...

All this technology for the mirror price of $1 million dollars apiece!

Oh Yeah? Well, I'm going to put a lien on those Million Dollar Missiles until the President pays his property taxes due on 603 Main Street, Racine WI!

Mr. President, Can You Pay Your Property Taxes?

OrbsCorbs said...

Where can I buy one? Walmart?

SER said...

I was at a motor manufacturing conference and met the guys who's business made the motors and reduction gears that operated the fins which steer the missiles.

This guy was knock 'in down some jing during the war (can't remember the name) where they were blowing up all the oil wells.