Monday, January 26, 2009

Good morning Lee and the JT, we know you're watching

Good morning Lee Enterprises, and anyone from the JT,
Welcome to our humble home!
I'm glad you stopped by, and nice to know we're missed.

Feel free to comment anytime, everybody is welcome!!

I do thank you for our start on the old site, even tho
the disfunctionality drove us to our new, happier home.
For that, thank you, thank you thank you!!


Lizardmom said...

We can still be friends, you know! :)

OrbsCorbs said...

Good morning Journal Times and Lee. Happy Monday! I want to remain friends with you, too.

Maybe the Journal Times could send a contingent of bloggers to our next get together? We don't bite (at first), and the food and conversation is always good.

hale-bopp said...

Inviting JT bloggers to the next get together...where will Obama's new spirit of bipartisanship end? It's really getting infectious.

kkdither said...

Yep, they have been around more than several times today to read your blog, Liz. So have many others including public and media relations companies. This link was listed this morning for awhile on the yahoo and google finance page.

While I'm happy that our site draws interest, I don't ever want to sound smug. In creating this site, we were not seeking to harm the JT or Lee Enterprise. We were simply finding an alternative outlet for our blather.

I think we felt like we were dismissed without cause. Some of our members were banned while others were censored for no apparent reason. We all came to the realization that our contribution was not valued.

We have been more than welcoming to others who find this site and our company to be enjoyable, including others from the JT blogging community.

I've said it before, if you come here to read, please post. We would like the variety your comments would bring.

And, if you find yourself here often, (we see you out there) you are probably somewhat irregular. Don't deny it! ;>

Bailers said...

Some day you'll have to tell me what my IP says about me.

I feel like such an outcast, I was never banned. Is it too late to go back and get banned?

kkdither said...

JAK, I consulted the Magic 8 Ball for an interpretation of what your IP says. The answer was "Reply hazy, try again." Ok, I'm kidding. You really don't want to know what it says about you! OMG!

I also think you MUST go back and get banned, at the very least, censored. Why waste the opportunity? ;>

OrbsCorbs said...

Are they still banning? I remember my time in the limbo of Ban. Thank God that Mme. Zoltar kept me connected with the rest of you.

I know, we could challenge them to a bowling tournament. See who gets the most gutter balls without trying.

Why Not? said...

Banning seems to be happening quite often still there. I do believe that TBV has been banned.. Havent seen her around in awhile. Although someone said she is still there just under a new name.. There are a lot of other names missing, dont know if they have been banned or just left..

I have never been banned either.. I feel so left out..

Bailers said...

Why not - Should we start a spinoff site of our own? The Unirregular irregulars?

I think alot of the people on the JT site that used to be there just got tired and left when the new rules were put in place that apply to everyone except granny grits and italian chick.

Why Not? said...

or Irregular Irregulars...

MinnesotaChick said...

I never got banned either.
Seems like they have picked up on not allowing comments on crime/death stories.
I still see people calling each other names, tho. Don't see any reprimands.
Oh wait. didn't they just cut a bunch of jobs? They probably don't have the staff to keep an eye on the rude comments.