Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Open Blog - New Year's Day

Enjoy the holiday!


lizardmom said...

Happy New Year to all!

OKIE said...

Happy New Year Everyone!

Tender Heart Bear said...

Happy New Year to everyone!

BL Basketcase said...

Happy New Years to all!

Working today and not experiencing
much of the expected. So far no UBIs (unexplained beer injuries),accidents, no FDGBs (fall down go boom), no one is CIRCLING THE DRAIN(dying), no CODE BROWN ( big emergency with diarrhea usually requiring massive clean up).There have been a few BROTHEL-IZER tests performed on some male members that have rightful and frightful worries.
Some patients have been given GORILLACILLIN (very strong antibiotics). A quiet day in the ER, I'd say. Free lunch tho.

Toad said...

BLB, Any "Carbunkels" come In?

I had a lady (loose term) come In early one morning with what she called carbunkels on her head. Of course she wanted to be seen before the guy that was shot twice In the chest, and all the other REAL emergency's. Actually I never did look at these carbunkels. Maybe they were lumps from her boyfriend smacking her on the head with a pool cue?

kkdither said...

I had to look up carbuncles as I recall my mother using that word. I somehow thought they grew on the side of ships. I also found out about furuncles at the website... don't look either of them up, you don't wanna know! Eeek.

When I worked at the hospital, we had to learn all the codes. I never learned, nor had to deal with Code Brown - thank goodness. lmao!

OrbsCorbs said...

Code brown? Really? That would be the code of my life.

I would think the ER would be busy with car accident injuries, but maybe people have finally wised up about winter driving. Be careful driving home, BLB. Thank God for people like you who do so much for others.

Happy New Year to everyone and best wishes for the year ahead.

OrbsCorbs said...

P.S. I heard no gunshots at midnight last night. I kinda miss it.

legal stranger said...

Now for a real complaint ! ! !
The Racine common council did not approve the removal of Bedtime games as a budget balancing act!
We the irregulars demand the return of Bedtime games immediately !

BL Basketcase said... Bedtime Games!!!! WTH! Some people have NOTHING else to look forward to in their lives, or outside the house, inside the house
or any rooms there inclusive.

I was wondering why I felt so alone and unmotivated.

Toad said...

KK, Thanks for the correct spelling of Carbuncles. I looked both of them up, and have never seen either, so I would guess this lady didn't have them. BTW, I never heard a "Brown Code" Red, and Blue, that's It.