Monday, January 5, 2009

Talk about reruns

Gladiators will be returning to the Colosseum to celebrate the 2,000 year anniversary of it's founder's birth, the Emperor Vespasian (b 9 AD, d 79 AD). His son, Titus, completed the project.

You know it had to be some show if it's still in reruns after 2,000 years.,2933,470047,00.html


Beejay said...

Ah-hah, a place for Orbs' shrink...let the lions loose!

OrbsCorbs said...

I was gonna ask if they're feeding a few Christians to the lions, too.

AvengingAngel said...

Well, unlike before, there is a plentiful supply close by in the Vatican. lol

drewzepmeister said...

Will we be seeing a special appearance from Russell Crowe?