Saturday, December 27, 2014

Here Comes Another Comet Lovejoy

Terry Lovejoy has done it again...another comet he discovered is becoming a nice object. This one is Comet Lovejoy 2014 Q2. He discovered it back in August and it has been a southern sky object but as it approaches Earth, it is moving into the northern sky. I finally got it tonight after fighting weather and my own busy schedule.

I went out to one of my usual spots at the end of Speedway in Tucson. This is the Douglas Spring Trailhead at Saguaro National Park East. It is about a 10 minute drive from where I live so it is reasonable dark to the southeast. Comet Lovejoy was faintly visible to the naked eye and easy in 10x42 binoculars. I took some pics but accidentally had my camera set in JPEG mode rather than raw (STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!) I will try again tomorrow night after the late improv show...Moon should be low enough then that it won't be a big deal and the comet should still be far enough east that it won't get lost in Tucson's lights. Anyway, here is my pic from tonight.

This comet will be around for a few weeks...see it now or wait until after the full Moon in January when the skies will be darker. You might see it naked eye!

Open Blog - Weekend

I'm not tackling the tree and decorations... until January.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone and welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I did! Got to see the grandkids, a Snowy Owl, and got the day off today from work. Life is good! Anyways here are your questions....

1) Have you ever returned a gift?

2) What was the best gift you have ever received?

3) What is the furthest you have traveled for the holidays?

4) Have you ever won a trophy?

Enjoy your weekend!

"The Mysterious Floating Orb"

Open Blog - Post Christmas

Post holiday complications.  Hope you survived.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

"After NYC deaths, a surge of support for police"

December 24th, 2014 1:08 pm by DAVID CRARY, Associated Press

"NEW YORK (AP) — Rocker Jon Bon Jovi donned a New York Police Department T-shirt on stage.Well-wishers delivered home-baked cookies by the hundreds to police in Cincinnati. In Mooresville, North Carolina, police and sheriff's officers were treated by residents to a chili dinner.

"At a time when many in the nation's police community feel embattled, Americans in cities and towns across the country are making an effort to express support and gratitude."

Merry Christmas, Fido!

Here's your new bed.

We Failed to Celebrate Festivus This Year

How did we miss Festivus (Dec. 23)?

Here are some previous JTI Festivus posts:

Open Blog - Christmas

Thank you for always being there - for me, and for each other.  
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my firends and lovers, regulars and Irregulars, pink and black! How are you?

Today is Christmas Eve.  I love every one of you.  Thank you for being my friends. My wish for you is Peace on Earth. What a mind-blowing concept, Global Love.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Open Blog - Christmas Eve

Before there was an app for that.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014