Friday, March 6, 2009

A JT Irregulars Entry in Local Parades?

I was reading the Racine Post's article on the upcoming St. Patrick's Day parade in downtown Racine (, when I started thinking, "Gee, I have a trailer . . . "

The trailer is a small, old, wooden one with only a 4' x 6' bed, but a couple or three people could easily be seated in there, with a couple more up front in the truck waving. There's a really long tongue on the trailer, too, so even more people could sit on the truck's lowered tailgate. Or we could fill the trailer with manure (it holds a yard and a half), and I will stand in it in hip-high waders, shoveling out crap to the populace, thus doing literally what the local paper does symbolically.

The possibilities are endless. What are your ideas for a JTI entry in local parades?


OrbsCorbs said...

We could remove the sides from the trailer, too, and use it as a base for a float.

Anonymous said...

So what kind of manure should we use; horse, cow, duck? If there are any politicians marching in the parade, I suggest pig.

Beejay said...

Oh dear...a manure throwing float???? I am concerned...truly concerned.

OrbsCorbs said...

Well, if we're going to have a manure throwing float, then the politicians should be on it.

Lizardmom said...

sounds like fun!!

Anonymous said...

Lizardmom: Start saving your lizard manure just in case we run short.

kkdither said...

Reminds me of the monkeys in the zoo flinging their own poo! Oh no, beejay, I'm worried too, very worried...

I'll practice my queen wave so I can ride in the cab. Will there be clowns following us with shovels?

Lizardmom said...

logjam, no problem, Max thinks it's mating season again and he's a pooping machine...yikes

SER said...

ya gotta use horse poop, they make them little round balls..

Well then again, if you have some rabbit shit, you can shoot it with sling shots!

OrbsCorbs said...

SER, you're gonna take someone's eye out with a rabbit turd.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA you guys are all nuts!...I'm on board if ya really want an irregular float. I'm not getting on a poo float!