Hello, my Chilly Willies!
How are you?
Welcome to the deep
Tomorrow is supposed to be even
worse, with a high of zero.
Compared to
last winter, of course, this is nothing, but I’m complaining anyway.
Stop the madness!
Raise the temperatures!
Somebody do something. Open the doors and
windows of City Hall and let all the hot air out.
That alone should raise us ten degrees.
The Zoo should burn all the animal feces that
they can for heat:
And how about letting some of those deserted homes in the ghetto burn down
instead of “saving” them?
The Fire
Department should be on hand to see that the fires don’t spread.
Too cold for you?
Torch your neighbor’s house.
We have now officially entered the spring election
period. Expect to be bombed with
expensive mailings from various candidates and robocalled every few hours. Watch the mud fly and the candidates
lie. Just when you think no one could
sink any lower, a candidate, or staff member, will. I’m sorry that I have such a dim view of
politics and politicians, but I didn’t start out that way. Decades of lies molded my view.

I am going to make an endorsement in the Mount Pleasant
President race. Madame Zoltar endorses Mr. Jerry Garski for Mount Pleasant
Wasn’t Gleason a comedian?
And a damned good one at that.
Once again the “strange strangeness” of Señor Zanza rears
its head. This happens at every polling
place that Señor Zanza has taken me to.
I always ask if he’s coming in with me and he always says no. I tell him that he can register on the spot,
but he says no. When I ask why, he
mumbles something about a governmental misunderstanding. A “governmental misunderstanding” like “I’m a
felon and can’t vote.”? He never wants
to discuss the matter further and always distracts me with a fine dinner after
I’ve voted. Unfortunately, food is my
weakest point. I love good food. Too much, I’m sure my doctor would say.
Thank you, my dears, for visiting my blog today. I love each and every one of you. All of you. Even the people who hate
me. They need my love the most. Thank you for taking time from your busy day
to share a few moments with me.
Is it OK to tie politicians who have robocalled you into a
chair and force then to listen to their sales pitches for the next twenty-four hours,
with ear buds/headphones taped to their heads at maximum volume?
How about at minimum volume?
Thank you to all the nameless crossing guards all over the
city who stand out there in the cold protecting our children. If you know one, thank him/her. Winter conditions remain, obviously, so be
careful when driving or walking. Look
out for the other guy because oftentimes he doesn’t give a buffalo chip about
safety. I’ll see you next week, God