Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Wednesday Evening

My windows are open because it is over 80 degrees out there.  I am folding laundry.  The choir at the church next door is practicing.  They have their windows open, too.  A joyful sound.  Then a siren, then a lot of sirens pierce and twist the music.  I turn on the police scanner. A shooting on the south side.  The choir stops singing,  almost as if they know.  There is a lot of activity and confusion on the scanner.  I turn it off.  It's not even summer yet.  It's not even dark.


SER said...

I was sitting on the deck for a bit, this is in the west Racine area and there where sirens going most of the time. Now the cops are chasing some guys over by Marquette and West St.

I agree not even summer. What is going to happen when all the kiddies are out of school with nothing to do?

Toad said...

Orb's, I suspect you understand what you just wrote Is like a short story, but I'm not literate enough to know what something like that Is called? I like It. It's almost like the lyrics to a song.

kkdither said...

Very warm and muggy. It is 75 in the house and the windows and doors were open... until dark. Racine was not like this growing up. What a shame that you have to be so concerned to lock yourself in.

Driving home from work, I was overwhelmed by the sheer number of people (of all races) on their porches and in the streets.

legal stranger said...

No sirens, No guns, No neighbors, sunny warm day equals No problems!
Mr. Hanig and Arnold is all I heard on shore while on the boat today.
And what is with the pink ears and the blue shoes?
And I see kk is back to the pony tails!
And I can't figure out how to put a picture up.

SER said...
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SER said...

Legal stranger..And I can't figure out how to put a picture up.

Click on the orange blogger button in the upper left hand corner. Then on the upper right hand corner your name should be there; click on that then click on profile settings. Once there you need to click on Edit settings (right hand corner)and if you page down you will see where you can upload a photo. then just save (update) and you should be good to go,

jedwis said...

I can't figure anything out. Ever stop to think...and forget to start again?

Toad said...

Jed. That Is funny, about stopping to think, and not starting again. I like that.

OrbsCorbs said...

Thanks for the compliment, Toad. There are prose poems and short short stories. I don't know what that piece is. I just felt like writing it.