Thursday, February 27, 2014

"One Inch of Snow - Movie Trailer [HD]"

The end is near!


Toad said...

That's funny. Stupid people.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever lived down South?

I was recently in Tennessee during the Atlanta shutdown - and shutdowns in Tennessee and Kentucky.

It is not like Wisconsin. Many roads have NO shoulders - you can barely pass 2 cars - make one mistake, and you're off the road. That's not just the back areas, that's in well developed sub- divisions with lots of houses and people. I was near Oak Ridge.

Large parts of the Interstate have very little to no shoulder, or steep drop offs. Lots of steep hills, lots of curves, choke points where there are no good options.

Back in the hills there are twists, turns, and switchbacks. Steep hills. No plows, sand, or salt is coming.

Black ice, a steep hill, and you're off sliding around and heading off the road.

School Buses travel some of those back roads - it's not possible with ice or in slippery conditions.

Given what I've seen around Racine this Winter, Wisconsin people aren't much better.